7 changed files with 892 additions and 4 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
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background:{ |
color:#E3BF77; |
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background:{ |
color:#ffffff; |
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min-height:200rpx; |
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padding:50rpx 30rpx; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
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padding:{ |
bottom:7rpx; |
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background:{ |
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repeat: no-repeat; |
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color:#E3FEFB; |
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margin:15rpx 0; |
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border-radius: 26rpx 26rpx 0rpx 0rpx; |
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color:#4DC3B8; |
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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
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<view class="card-title">宠托10次权益卡</view> |
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券内含50元抵扣券10张 |
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抵扣券有效期:购卡后 |
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<view class="coupons-big-title-group row"> |
<view class="coupons-big-title">{{item.price}}</view> |
<view class="coupons-big-desc">元</view> |
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{{item.cause}} |
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{{item.title}} |
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10张 |
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<view class="coupons-desc col-12">{{item.time}}</view> |
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<text>我已阅读并同意</text><text class="foot-menu-url">《付费权益卡协议》</text> |
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import RightNav from '@/components/RightNav/Index.vue'; |
import MzButton from '../../components/MzButton/Index.vue'; |
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title:'成都市武侯区丰德国际4栋...', |
tags:['刷毛','洗澡'], |
do_time:'2023/05/03 15—17时', |
create_time:'2023/03/03 15:23:22', |
}, |
{ |
title:'成都市武侯区丰德国际4栋...', |
tags:['刷毛','洗澡'], |
do_time:'2023/05/03 15—17时', |
create_time:'2023/03/03 15:23:22', |
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couponsList: [{ |
price: '57', |
title: '57元抵扣券', |
cause: '满0.01使用', |
time: '满0.01元使用仅限线上预约下单使用', |
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@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
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position: relative; |
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size: 100% 100%; |
repeat: no-repeat; |
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width:100%; |
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top:-60rpx; |
z-index: 1; |
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box-shadow: 2rpx 6rpx 11rpx 0rpx rgba(159,167,185,0.3); |
border-radius: 26rpx; |
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color:#EED9AD; |
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box-sizing:border-box; |
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background:{ |
color:#EED9AD; |
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margin-right: 25rpx; |
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height:110rpx; |
border-radius: 50%; |
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color:#FBF5E7; |
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margin-left:9rpx; |
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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
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backgroundImage:'url('+staticImage.petGun+')' |
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<script> |
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imghost |
} from '@/config/host.js' |
import HeaderNav from '@/components/HeaderNav/Index.vue'; |
import FooterNav from '@/components/FooterNav/Index.vue'; |
import RightNav from '@/components/RightNav/Index.vue'; |
import MzButton from '@/components/MzButton/Index.vue'; |
import api from '@/utils/functions.js'; |
export default { |
components: { |
HeaderNav, |
FooterNav, |
RightNav, |
MzButton |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
title: 'Hello', |
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petGun:imghost +'/static/image/pet_gun.png', |
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image: imghost + '/static/image/banner.png', |
url: '', |
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user: { |
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coupons: 221, |
id: 88685 |
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pagePadding: 100, |
petImage: imghost + '/static/image/pet_avatar1.jpeg', |
orderCardList:[ |
{ |
title:'成都市武侯区丰德国际4栋...', |
tags:['刷毛','洗澡'], |
do_time:'2023/05/03 15—17时', |
create_time:'2023/03/03 15:23:22', |
}, |
{ |
title:'成都市武侯区丰德国际4栋...', |
tags:['刷毛','洗澡'], |
do_time:'2023/05/03 15—17时', |
create_time:'2023/03/03 15:23:22', |
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onLoad() { |
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onPageScroll(res) { |
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created() { |
this.pagePadding = (api.navHeight().navPaddingTop + |
api.navHeight().navHeight + (api.navHeight().headerPadding * 2)) |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss"> |
@import './components/index.scss'; |
</style> |
Reference in new issue