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904 lines
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"use strict"; |
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault"); |
var _assert = _interopRequireDefault(require("assert")); |
var leap = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./leap")); |
var meta = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./meta")); |
var util = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./util")); |
function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); } |
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== "default" &&, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } |
/** |
* Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. |
* |
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the |
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. |
*/ |
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; |
function Emitter(contextId) { |
_assert["default"].ok(this instanceof Emitter); |
util.getTypes().assertIdentifier(contextId); |
// Used to generate unique temporary names. |
this.nextTempId = 0; |
// In order to make sure the context object does not collide with |
// anything in the local scope, we might have to rename it, so we |
// refer to it symbolically instead of just assuming that it will be |
// called "context". |
this.contextId = contextId; |
// An append-only list of Statements that grows each time this.emit is |
// called. |
this.listing = []; |
// A sparse array whose keys correspond to locations in this.listing |
// that have been marked as branch/jump targets. |
this.marked = [true]; |
this.insertedLocs = new Set(); |
// The last location will be marked when this.getDispatchLoop is |
// called. |
this.finalLoc = this.loc(); |
// A list of all leap.TryEntry statements emitted. |
this.tryEntries = []; |
// Each time we evaluate the body of a loop, we tell this.leapManager |
// to enter a nested loop context that determines the meaning of break |
// and continue statements therein. |
this.leapManager = new leap.LeapManager(this); |
} |
var Ep = Emitter.prototype; |
exports.Emitter = Emitter; |
// Offsets into this.listing that could be used as targets for branches or |
// jumps are represented as numeric Literal nodes. This representation has |
// the amazingly convenient benefit of allowing the exact value of the |
// location to be determined at any time, even after generating code that |
// refers to the location. |
// We use 'Number.MAX_VALUE' to mark uninitialized location. We can safely do |
// so because no code can realistically have about 1.8e+308 locations before |
// hitting memory limit of the machine it's running on. For comparison, the |
// estimated number of atoms in the observable universe is around 1e+80. |
Ep.loc = function () { |
var l = util.getTypes().numericLiteral(PENDING_LOCATION); |
this.insertedLocs.add(l); |
return l; |
}; |
Ep.getInsertedLocs = function () { |
return this.insertedLocs; |
}; |
Ep.getContextId = function () { |
return util.getTypes().clone(this.contextId); |
}; |
// Sets the exact value of the given location to the offset of the next |
// Statement emitted. |
Ep.mark = function (loc) { |
util.getTypes().assertLiteral(loc); |
var index = this.listing.length; |
if (loc.value === PENDING_LOCATION) { |
loc.value = index; |
} else { |
// Locations can be marked redundantly, but their values cannot change |
// once set the first time. |
_assert["default"].strictEqual(loc.value, index); |
} |
this.marked[index] = true; |
return loc; |
}; |
Ep.emit = function (node) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
if (t.isExpression(node)) { |
node = t.expressionStatement(node); |
} |
t.assertStatement(node); |
this.listing.push(node); |
}; |
// Shorthand for emitting assignment statements. This will come in handy |
// for assignments to temporary variables. |
Ep.emitAssign = function (lhs, rhs) { |
this.emit(this.assign(lhs, rhs)); |
return lhs; |
}; |
// Shorthand for an assignment statement. |
Ep.assign = function (lhs, rhs) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
return t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression("=", t.cloneDeep(lhs), rhs)); |
}; |
// Convenience function for generating expressions like, |
// context.sent, and context.rval. |
Ep.contextProperty = function (name, computed) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
return t.memberExpression(this.getContextId(), computed ? t.stringLiteral(name) : t.identifier(name), !!computed); |
}; |
// Shorthand for setting context.rval and jumping to `context.stop()`. |
Ep.stop = function (rval) { |
if (rval) { |
this.setReturnValue(rval); |
} |
this.jump(this.finalLoc); |
}; |
Ep.setReturnValue = function (valuePath) { |
util.getTypes().assertExpression(valuePath.value); |
this.emitAssign(this.contextProperty("rval"), this.explodeExpression(valuePath)); |
}; |
Ep.clearPendingException = function (tryLoc, assignee) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
t.assertLiteral(tryLoc); |
var catchCall = t.callExpression(this.contextProperty("catch", true), [t.clone(tryLoc)]); |
if (assignee) { |
this.emitAssign(assignee, catchCall); |
} else { |
this.emit(catchCall); |
} |
}; |
// Emits code for an unconditional jump to the given location, even if the |
// exact value of the location is not yet known. |
Ep.jump = function (toLoc) { |
this.emitAssign(this.contextProperty("next"), toLoc); |
this.emit(util.getTypes().breakStatement()); |
}; |
// Conditional jump. |
Ep.jumpIf = function (test, toLoc) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
t.assertExpression(test); |
t.assertLiteral(toLoc); |
this.emit(t.ifStatement(test, t.blockStatement([this.assign(this.contextProperty("next"), toLoc), t.breakStatement()]))); |
}; |
// Conditional jump, with the condition negated. |
Ep.jumpIfNot = function (test, toLoc) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
t.assertExpression(test); |
t.assertLiteral(toLoc); |
var negatedTest; |
if (t.isUnaryExpression(test) && test.operator === "!") { |
// Avoid double negation. |
negatedTest = test.argument; |
} else { |
negatedTest = t.unaryExpression("!", test); |
} |
this.emit(t.ifStatement(negatedTest, t.blockStatement([this.assign(this.contextProperty("next"), toLoc), t.breakStatement()]))); |
}; |
// Returns a unique MemberExpression that can be used to store and |
// retrieve temporary values. Since the object of the member expression is |
// the context object, which is presumed to coexist peacefully with all |
// other local variables, and since we just increment `nextTempId` |
// monotonically, uniqueness is assured. |
Ep.makeTempVar = function () { |
return this.contextProperty("t" + this.nextTempId++); |
}; |
Ep.getContextFunction = function (id) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
return t.functionExpression(id || null /*Anonymous*/, [this.getContextId()], t.blockStatement([this.getDispatchLoop()]), false, |
// Not a generator anymore! |
false // Nor an expression. |
); |
}; |
// Turns this.listing into a loop of the form |
// |
// while (1) switch ( { |
// case 0: |
// ... |
// case n: |
// return context.stop(); |
// } |
// |
// Each marked location in this.listing will correspond to one generated |
// case statement. |
Ep.getDispatchLoop = function () { |
var self = this; |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
var cases = []; |
var current; |
// If we encounter a break, continue, or return statement in a switch |
// case, we can skip the rest of the statements until the next case. |
var alreadyEnded = false; |
self.listing.forEach(function (stmt, i) { |
if (self.marked.hasOwnProperty(i)) { |
cases.push(t.switchCase(t.numericLiteral(i), current = [])); |
alreadyEnded = false; |
} |
if (!alreadyEnded) { |
current.push(stmt); |
if (t.isCompletionStatement(stmt)) alreadyEnded = true; |
} |
}); |
// Now that we know how many statements there will be in this.listing, |
// we can finally resolve this.finalLoc.value. |
this.finalLoc.value = this.listing.length; |
cases.push(t.switchCase(this.finalLoc, [ |
// Intentionally fall through to the "end" case... |
]), |
// So that the runtime can jump to the final location without having |
// to know its offset, we provide the "end" case as a synonym. |
t.switchCase(t.stringLiteral("end"), [ |
// This will check/clear both context.thrown and context.rval. |
t.returnStatement(t.callExpression(this.contextProperty("stop"), []))])); |
return t.whileStatement(t.numericLiteral(1), t.switchStatement(t.assignmentExpression("=", this.contextProperty("prev"), this.contextProperty("next")), cases)); |
}; |
Ep.getTryLocsList = function () { |
if (this.tryEntries.length === 0) { |
// To avoid adding a needless [] to the majority of runtime.wrap |
// argument lists, force the caller to handle this case specially. |
return null; |
} |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
var lastLocValue = 0; |
return t.arrayExpression( (tryEntry) { |
var thisLocValue = tryEntry.firstLoc.value; |
_assert["default"].ok(thisLocValue >= lastLocValue, "try entries out of order"); |
lastLocValue = thisLocValue; |
var ce = tryEntry.catchEntry; |
var fe = tryEntry.finallyEntry; |
var locs = [tryEntry.firstLoc, |
// The null here makes a hole in the array. |
ce ? ce.firstLoc : null]; |
if (fe) { |
locs[2] = fe.firstLoc; |
locs[3] = fe.afterLoc; |
} |
return t.arrayExpression( (loc) { |
return loc && t.clone(loc); |
})); |
})); |
}; |
// All side effects must be realized in order. |
// If any subexpression harbors a leap, all subexpressions must be |
// neutered of side effects. |
// No destructive modification of AST nodes. |
Ep.explode = function (path, ignoreResult) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
var node = path.node; |
var self = this; |
t.assertNode(node); |
if (t.isDeclaration(node)) throw getDeclError(node); |
if (t.isStatement(node)) return self.explodeStatement(path); |
if (t.isExpression(node)) return self.explodeExpression(path, ignoreResult); |
switch (node.type) { |
case "Program": |
return path.get("body").map(self.explodeStatement, self); |
case "VariableDeclarator": |
throw getDeclError(node); |
// These node types should be handled by their parent nodes |
// (ObjectExpression, SwitchStatement, and TryStatement, respectively). |
case "Property": |
case "SwitchCase": |
case "CatchClause": |
throw new Error(node.type + " nodes should be handled by their parents"); |
default: |
throw new Error("unknown Node of type " + JSON.stringify(node.type)); |
} |
}; |
function getDeclError(node) { |
return new Error("all declarations should have been transformed into " + "assignments before the Exploder began its work: " + JSON.stringify(node)); |
} |
Ep.explodeStatement = function (path, labelId) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
var stmt = path.node; |
var self = this; |
var before, after, head; |
t.assertStatement(stmt); |
if (labelId) { |
t.assertIdentifier(labelId); |
} else { |
labelId = null; |
} |
// Explode BlockStatement nodes even if they do not contain a yield, |
// because we don't want or need the curly braces. |
if (t.isBlockStatement(stmt)) { |
path.get("body").forEach(function (path) { |
self.explodeStatement(path); |
}); |
return; |
} |
if (!meta.containsLeap(stmt)) { |
// Technically we should be able to avoid emitting the statement |
// altogether if !meta.hasSideEffects(stmt), but that leads to |
// confusing generated code (for instance, `while (true) {}` just |
// disappears) and is probably a more appropriate job for a dedicated |
// dead code elimination pass. |
self.emit(stmt); |
return; |
} |
switch (stmt.type) { |
case "ExpressionStatement": |
self.explodeExpression(path.get("expression"), true); |
break; |
case "LabeledStatement": |
after = this.loc(); |
// Did you know you can break from any labeled block statement or |
// control structure? Well, you can! Note: when a labeled loop is |
// encountered, the leap.LabeledEntry created here will immediately |
// enclose a leap.LoopEntry on the leap manager's stack, and both |
// entries will have the same label. Though this works just fine, it |
// may seem a bit redundant. In theory, we could check here to |
// determine if stmt knows how to handle its own label; for example, |
// stmt happens to be a WhileStatement and so we know it's going to |
// establish its own LoopEntry when we explode it (below). Then this |
// LabeledEntry would be unnecessary. Alternatively, we might be |
// tempted not to pass stmt.label down into self.explodeStatement, |
// because we've handled the label here, but that's a mistake because |
// labeled loops may contain labeled continue statements, which is not |
// something we can handle in this generic case. All in all, I think a |
// little redundancy greatly simplifies the logic of this case, since |
// it's clear that we handle all possible LabeledStatements correctly |
// here, regardless of whether they interact with the leap manager |
// themselves. Also remember that labels and break/continue-to-label |
// statements are rare, and all of this logic happens at transform |
// time, so it has no additional runtime cost. |
self.leapManager.withEntry(new leap.LabeledEntry(after, stmt.label), function () { |
self.explodeStatement(path.get("body"), stmt.label); |
}); |
self.mark(after); |
break; |
case "WhileStatement": |
before = this.loc(); |
after = this.loc(); |
self.mark(before); |
self.jumpIfNot(self.explodeExpression(path.get("test")), after); |
self.leapManager.withEntry(new leap.LoopEntry(after, before, labelId), function () { |
self.explodeStatement(path.get("body")); |
}); |
self.jump(before); |
self.mark(after); |
break; |
case "DoWhileStatement": |
var first = this.loc(); |
var test = this.loc(); |
after = this.loc(); |
self.mark(first); |
self.leapManager.withEntry(new leap.LoopEntry(after, test, labelId), function () { |
self.explode(path.get("body")); |
}); |
self.mark(test); |
self.jumpIf(self.explodeExpression(path.get("test")), first); |
self.mark(after); |
break; |
case "ForStatement": |
head = this.loc(); |
var update = this.loc(); |
after = this.loc(); |
if (stmt.init) { |
// We pass true here to indicate that if stmt.init is an expression |
// then we do not care about its result. |
self.explode(path.get("init"), true); |
} |
self.mark(head); |
if (stmt.test) { |
self.jumpIfNot(self.explodeExpression(path.get("test")), after); |
} else { |
// No test means continue unconditionally. |
} |
self.leapManager.withEntry(new leap.LoopEntry(after, update, labelId), function () { |
self.explodeStatement(path.get("body")); |
}); |
self.mark(update); |
if (stmt.update) { |
// We pass true here to indicate that if stmt.update is an |
// expression then we do not care about its result. |
self.explode(path.get("update"), true); |
} |
self.jump(head); |
self.mark(after); |
break; |
case "TypeCastExpression": |
return self.explodeExpression(path.get("expression")); |
case "ForInStatement": |
head = this.loc(); |
after = this.loc(); |
var keyIterNextFn = self.makeTempVar(); |
self.emitAssign(keyIterNextFn, t.callExpression(util.runtimeProperty("keys"), [self.explodeExpression(path.get("right"))])); |
self.mark(head); |
var keyInfoTmpVar = self.makeTempVar(); |
self.jumpIf(t.memberExpression(t.assignmentExpression("=", keyInfoTmpVar, t.callExpression(t.cloneDeep(keyIterNextFn), [])), t.identifier("done"), false), after); |
self.emitAssign(stmt.left, t.memberExpression(t.cloneDeep(keyInfoTmpVar), t.identifier("value"), false)); |
self.leapManager.withEntry(new leap.LoopEntry(after, head, labelId), function () { |
self.explodeStatement(path.get("body")); |
}); |
self.jump(head); |
self.mark(after); |
break; |
case "BreakStatement": |
self.emitAbruptCompletion({ |
type: "break", |
target: self.leapManager.getBreakLoc(stmt.label) |
}); |
break; |
case "ContinueStatement": |
self.emitAbruptCompletion({ |
type: "continue", |
target: self.leapManager.getContinueLoc(stmt.label) |
}); |
break; |
case "SwitchStatement": |
// Always save the discriminant into a temporary variable in case the |
// test expressions overwrite values like context.sent. |
var disc = self.emitAssign(self.makeTempVar(), self.explodeExpression(path.get("discriminant"))); |
after = this.loc(); |
var defaultLoc = this.loc(); |
var condition = defaultLoc; |
var caseLocs = []; |
// If there are no cases, .cases might be undefined. |
var cases = stmt.cases || []; |
for (var i = cases.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { |
var c = cases[i]; |
t.assertSwitchCase(c); |
if (c.test) { |
condition = t.conditionalExpression(t.binaryExpression("===", t.cloneDeep(disc), c.test), caseLocs[i] = this.loc(), condition); |
} else { |
caseLocs[i] = defaultLoc; |
} |
} |
var discriminant = path.get("discriminant"); |
util.replaceWithOrRemove(discriminant, condition); |
self.jump(self.explodeExpression(discriminant)); |
self.leapManager.withEntry(new leap.SwitchEntry(after), function () { |
path.get("cases").forEach(function (casePath) { |
var i = casePath.key; |
self.mark(caseLocs[i]); |
casePath.get("consequent").forEach(function (path) { |
self.explodeStatement(path); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
self.mark(after); |
if (defaultLoc.value === PENDING_LOCATION) { |
self.mark(defaultLoc); |
_assert["default"].strictEqual(after.value, defaultLoc.value); |
} |
break; |
case "IfStatement": |
var elseLoc = stmt.alternate && this.loc(); |
after = this.loc(); |
self.jumpIfNot(self.explodeExpression(path.get("test")), elseLoc || after); |
self.explodeStatement(path.get("consequent")); |
if (elseLoc) { |
self.jump(after); |
self.mark(elseLoc); |
self.explodeStatement(path.get("alternate")); |
} |
self.mark(after); |
break; |
case "ReturnStatement": |
self.emitAbruptCompletion({ |
type: "return", |
value: self.explodeExpression(path.get("argument")) |
}); |
break; |
case "WithStatement": |
throw new Error("WithStatement not supported in generator functions."); |
case "TryStatement": |
after = this.loc(); |
var handler = stmt.handler; |
var catchLoc = handler && this.loc(); |
var catchEntry = catchLoc && new leap.CatchEntry(catchLoc, handler.param); |
var finallyLoc = stmt.finalizer && this.loc(); |
var finallyEntry = finallyLoc && new leap.FinallyEntry(finallyLoc, after); |
var tryEntry = new leap.TryEntry(self.getUnmarkedCurrentLoc(), catchEntry, finallyEntry); |
self.tryEntries.push(tryEntry); |
self.updateContextPrevLoc(tryEntry.firstLoc); |
self.leapManager.withEntry(tryEntry, function () { |
self.explodeStatement(path.get("block")); |
if (catchLoc) { |
if (finallyLoc) { |
// If we have both a catch block and a finally block, then |
// because we emit the catch block first, we need to jump over |
// it to the finally block. |
self.jump(finallyLoc); |
} else { |
// If there is no finally block, then we need to jump over the |
// catch block to the fall-through location. |
self.jump(after); |
} |
self.updateContextPrevLoc(self.mark(catchLoc)); |
var bodyPath = path.get("handler.body"); |
var safeParam = self.makeTempVar(); |
self.clearPendingException(tryEntry.firstLoc, safeParam); |
bodyPath.traverse(catchParamVisitor, { |
getSafeParam: function getSafeParam() { |
return t.cloneDeep(safeParam); |
}, |
catchParamName: |
}); |
self.leapManager.withEntry(catchEntry, function () { |
self.explodeStatement(bodyPath); |
}); |
} |
if (finallyLoc) { |
self.updateContextPrevLoc(self.mark(finallyLoc)); |
self.leapManager.withEntry(finallyEntry, function () { |
self.explodeStatement(path.get("finalizer")); |
}); |
self.emit(t.returnStatement(t.callExpression(self.contextProperty("finish"), [finallyEntry.firstLoc]))); |
} |
}); |
self.mark(after); |
break; |
case "ThrowStatement": |
self.emit(t.throwStatement(self.explodeExpression(path.get("argument")))); |
break; |
case "ClassDeclaration": |
self.emit(self.explodeClass(path)); |
break; |
default: |
throw new Error("unknown Statement of type " + JSON.stringify(stmt.type)); |
} |
}; |
var catchParamVisitor = { |
Identifier: function Identifier(path, state) { |
if ( === state.catchParamName && util.isReference(path)) { |
util.replaceWithOrRemove(path, state.getSafeParam()); |
} |
}, |
Scope: function Scope(path, state) { |
if (path.scope.hasOwnBinding(state.catchParamName)) { |
// Don't descend into nested scopes that shadow the catch |
// parameter with their own declarations. |
path.skip(); |
} |
} |
}; |
Ep.emitAbruptCompletion = function (record) { |
if (!isValidCompletion(record)) { |
_assert["default"].ok(false, "invalid completion record: " + JSON.stringify(record)); |
} |
_assert["default"].notStrictEqual(record.type, "normal", "normal completions are not abrupt"); |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
var abruptArgs = [t.stringLiteral(record.type)]; |
if (record.type === "break" || record.type === "continue") { |
t.assertLiteral(; |
abruptArgs[1] = this.insertedLocs.has( ? : t.cloneDeep(; |
} else if (record.type === "return" || record.type === "throw") { |
if (record.value) { |
t.assertExpression(record.value); |
abruptArgs[1] = this.insertedLocs.has(record.value) ? record.value : t.cloneDeep(record.value); |
} |
} |
this.emit(t.returnStatement(t.callExpression(this.contextProperty("abrupt"), abruptArgs))); |
}; |
function isValidCompletion(record) { |
var type = record.type; |
if (type === "normal") { |
return !, "target"); |
} |
if (type === "break" || type === "continue") { |
return !, "value") && util.getTypes().isLiteral(; |
} |
if (type === "return" || type === "throw") { |
return, "value") && !, "target"); |
} |
return false; |
} |
// Not all offsets into emitter.listing are potential jump targets. For |
// example, execution typically falls into the beginning of a try block |
// without jumping directly there. This method returns the current offset |
// without marking it, so that a switch case will not necessarily be |
// generated for this offset (I say "not necessarily" because the same |
// location might end up being marked in the process of emitting other |
// statements). There's no logical harm in marking such locations as jump |
// targets, but minimizing the number of switch cases keeps the generated |
// code shorter. |
Ep.getUnmarkedCurrentLoc = function () { |
return util.getTypes().numericLiteral(this.listing.length); |
}; |
// The context.prev property takes the value of whenever we |
// evaluate the switch statement discriminant, which is generally good |
// enough for tracking the last location we jumped to, but sometimes |
// context.prev needs to be more precise, such as when we fall |
// successfully out of a try block and into a finally block without |
// jumping. This method exists to update context.prev to the freshest |
// available location. If we were implementing a full interpreter, we |
// would know the location of the current instruction with complete |
// precision at all times, but we don't have that luxury here, as it would |
// be costly and verbose to set context.prev before every statement. |
Ep.updateContextPrevLoc = function (loc) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
if (loc) { |
t.assertLiteral(loc); |
if (loc.value === PENDING_LOCATION) { |
// If an uninitialized location literal was passed in, set its value |
// to the current this.listing.length. |
loc.value = this.listing.length; |
} else { |
// Otherwise assert that the location matches the current offset. |
_assert["default"].strictEqual(loc.value, this.listing.length); |
} |
} else { |
loc = this.getUnmarkedCurrentLoc(); |
} |
// Make sure context.prev is up to date in case we fell into this try |
// statement without jumping to it. TODO Consider avoiding this |
// assignment when we know control must have jumped here. |
this.emitAssign(this.contextProperty("prev"), loc); |
}; |
// In order to save the rest of explodeExpression from a combinatorial |
// trainwreck of special cases, explodeViaTempVar is responsible for |
// deciding when a subexpression needs to be "exploded," which is my |
// very technical term for emitting the subexpression as an assignment |
// to a temporary variable and the substituting the temporary variable |
// for the original subexpression. Think of exploded view diagrams, not |
// Michael Bay movies. The point of exploding subexpressions is to |
// control the precise order in which the generated code realizes the |
// side effects of those subexpressions. |
Ep.explodeViaTempVar = function (tempVar, childPath, hasLeapingChildren, ignoreChildResult) { |
_assert["default"].ok(!ignoreChildResult || !tempVar, "Ignoring the result of a child expression but forcing it to " + "be assigned to a temporary variable?"); |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
var result = this.explodeExpression(childPath, ignoreChildResult); |
if (ignoreChildResult) { |
// Side effects already emitted above. |
} else if (tempVar || hasLeapingChildren && !t.isLiteral(result)) { |
// If tempVar was provided, then the result will always be assigned |
// to it, even if the result does not otherwise need to be assigned |
// to a temporary variable. When no tempVar is provided, we have |
// the flexibility to decide whether a temporary variable is really |
// necessary. Unfortunately, in general, a temporary variable is |
// required whenever any child contains a yield expression, since it |
// is difficult to prove (at all, let alone efficiently) whether |
// this result would evaluate to the same value before and after the |
// yield (see #206). One narrow case where we can prove it doesn't |
// matter (and thus we do not need a temporary variable) is when the |
// result in question is a Literal value. |
result = this.emitAssign(tempVar || this.makeTempVar(), result); |
} |
return result; |
}; |
Ep.explodeExpression = function (path, ignoreResult) { |
var t = util.getTypes(); |
var expr = path.node; |
if (expr) { |
t.assertExpression(expr); |
} else { |
return expr; |
} |
var self = this; |
var result; // Used optionally by several cases below. |
var after; |
function finish(expr) { |
t.assertExpression(expr); |
if (ignoreResult) { |
self.emit(expr); |
} |
return expr; |
} |
// If the expression does not contain a leap, then we either emit the |
// expression as a standalone statement or return it whole. |
if (!meta.containsLeap(expr)) { |
return finish(expr); |
} |
// If any child contains a leap (such as a yield or labeled continue or |
// break statement), then any sibling subexpressions will almost |
// certainly have to be exploded in order to maintain the order of their |
// side effects relative to the leaping child(ren). |
var hasLeapingChildren = meta.containsLeap.onlyChildren(expr); |
// If ignoreResult is true, then we must take full responsibility for |
// emitting the expression with all its side effects, and we should not |
// return a result. |
switch (expr.type) { |
case "MemberExpression": |
return finish(t.memberExpression(self.explodeExpression(path.get("object")), expr.computed ? self.explodeViaTempVar(null, path.get("property"), hasLeapingChildren) :, expr.computed)); |
case "CallExpression": |
var calleePath = path.get("callee"); |
var argsPath = path.get("arguments"); |
var newCallee; |
var newArgs; |
var hasLeapingArgs = argsPath.some(function (argPath) { |
return meta.containsLeap(argPath.node); |
}); |
var injectFirstArg = null; |
if (t.isMemberExpression(calleePath.node)) { |
if (hasLeapingArgs) { |
// If the arguments of the CallExpression contained any yield |
// expressions, then we need to be sure to evaluate the callee |
// before evaluating the arguments, but if the callee was a member |
// expression, then we must be careful that the object of the |
// member expression still gets bound to `this` for the call. |
var newObject = self.explodeViaTempVar( |
// Assign the exploded callee.object expression to a temporary |
// variable so that we can use it twice without reevaluating it. |
self.makeTempVar(), calleePath.get("object"), hasLeapingChildren); |
var newProperty = calleePath.node.computed ? self.explodeViaTempVar(null, calleePath.get("property"), hasLeapingChildren) :; |
injectFirstArg = newObject; |
newCallee = t.memberExpression(t.memberExpression(t.cloneDeep(newObject), newProperty, calleePath.node.computed), t.identifier("call"), false); |
} else { |
newCallee = self.explodeExpression(calleePath); |
} |
} else { |
newCallee = self.explodeViaTempVar(null, calleePath, hasLeapingChildren); |
if (t.isMemberExpression(newCallee)) { |
// If the callee was not previously a MemberExpression, then the |
// CallExpression was "unqualified," meaning its `this` object |
// should be the global object. If the exploded expression has |
// become a MemberExpression (e.g. a context property, probably a |
// temporary variable), then we need to force it to be unqualified |
// by using the (0, trick; otherwise, it |
// will receive the object of the MemberExpression as its `this` |
// object. |
newCallee = t.sequenceExpression([t.numericLiteral(0), t.cloneDeep(newCallee)]); |
} |
} |
if (hasLeapingArgs) { |
newArgs = (argPath) { |
return self.explodeViaTempVar(null, argPath, hasLeapingChildren); |
}); |
if (injectFirstArg) newArgs.unshift(injectFirstArg); |
newArgs = (arg) { |
return t.cloneDeep(arg); |
}); |
} else { |
newArgs = path.node.arguments; |
} |
return finish(t.callExpression(newCallee, newArgs)); |
case "NewExpression": |
return finish(t.newExpression(self.explodeViaTempVar(null, path.get("callee"), hasLeapingChildren), path.get("arguments").map(function (argPath) { |
return self.explodeViaTempVar(null, argPath, hasLeapingChildren); |
}))); |
case "ObjectExpression": |
return finish(t.objectExpression(path.get("properties").map(function (propPath) { |
if (propPath.isObjectProperty()) { |
return t.objectProperty(propPath.node.key, self.explodeViaTempVar(null, propPath.get("value"), hasLeapingChildren), propPath.node.computed); |
} else { |
return propPath.node; |
} |
}))); |
case "ArrayExpression": |
return finish(t.arrayExpression(path.get("elements").map(function (elemPath) { |
if (!elemPath.node) { |
return null; |
} |
if (elemPath.isSpreadElement()) { |
return t.spreadElement(self.explodeViaTempVar(null, elemPath.get("argument"), hasLeapingChildren)); |
} else { |
return self.explodeViaTempVar(null, elemPath, hasLeapingChildren); |
} |
}))); |
case "SequenceExpression": |
var lastIndex = expr.expressions.length - 1; |
path.get("expressions").forEach(function (exprPath) { |
if (exprPath.key === lastIndex) { |
result = self.explodeExpression(exprPath, ignoreResult); |
} else { |
self.explodeExpression(exprPath, true); |
} |
}); |
return result; |
case "LogicalExpression": |
after = this.loc(); |
if (!ignoreResult) { |
result = self.makeTempVar(); |
} |
var left = self.explodeViaTempVar(result, path.get("left"), hasLeapingChildren); |
if (expr.operator === "&&") { |
self.jumpIfNot(left, after); |
} else { |
_assert["default"].strictEqual(expr.operator, "||"); |
self.jumpIf(left, after); |
} |
self.explodeViaTempVar(result, path.get("right"), hasLeapingChildren, ignoreResult); |
self.mark(after); |
return result; |
case "ConditionalExpression": |
var elseLoc = this.loc(); |
after = this.loc(); |
var test = self.explodeExpression(path.get("test")); |
self.jumpIfNot(test, elseLoc); |
if (!ignoreResult) { |
result = self.makeTempVar(); |
} |
self.explodeViaTempVar(result, path.get("consequent"), hasLeapingChildren, ignoreResult); |
self.jump(after); |
self.mark(elseLoc); |
self.explodeViaTempVar(result, path.get("alternate"), hasLeapingChildren, ignoreResult); |
self.mark(after); |
return result; |
case "UnaryExpression": |
return finish(t.unaryExpression(expr.operator, |
// Can't (and don't need to) break up the syntax of the argument. |
// Think about delete a[b]. |
self.explodeExpression(path.get("argument")), !!expr.prefix)); |
case "BinaryExpression": |
return finish(t.binaryExpression(expr.operator, self.explodeViaTempVar(null, path.get("left"), hasLeapingChildren), self.explodeViaTempVar(null, path.get("right"), hasLeapingChildren))); |
case "AssignmentExpression": |
if (expr.operator === "=") { |
// If this is a simple assignment, the left hand side does not need |
// to be read before the right hand side is evaluated, so we can |
// avoid the more complicated logic below. |
return finish(t.assignmentExpression(expr.operator, self.explodeExpression(path.get("left")), self.explodeExpression(path.get("right")))); |
} |
var lhs = self.explodeExpression(path.get("left")); |
var temp = self.emitAssign(self.makeTempVar(), lhs); |
// For example, |
// |
// x += yield y |
// |
// becomes |
// |
// context.t0 = x |
// x = context.t0 += yield y |
// |
// so that the left-hand side expression is read before the yield. |
// Fixes |
return finish(t.assignmentExpression("=", t.cloneDeep(lhs), t.assignmentExpression(expr.operator, t.cloneDeep(temp), self.explodeExpression(path.get("right"))))); |
case "UpdateExpression": |
return finish(t.updateExpression(expr.operator, self.explodeExpression(path.get("argument")), expr.prefix)); |
case "YieldExpression": |
after = this.loc(); |
var arg = expr.argument && self.explodeExpression(path.get("argument")); |
if (arg && expr.delegate) { |
var _result = self.makeTempVar(); |
var _ret = t.returnStatement(t.callExpression(self.contextProperty("delegateYield"), [arg, t.stringLiteral(, after])); |
_ret.loc = expr.loc; |
self.emit(_ret); |
self.mark(after); |
return _result; |
} |
self.emitAssign(self.contextProperty("next"), after); |
var ret = t.returnStatement(t.cloneDeep(arg) || null); |
// Preserve the `yield` location so that source mappings for the statements |
// link back to the yield properly. |
ret.loc = expr.loc; |
self.emit(ret); |
self.mark(after); |
return self.contextProperty("sent"); |
case "ClassExpression": |
return finish(self.explodeClass(path)); |
default: |
throw new Error("unknown Expression of type " + JSON.stringify(expr.type)); |
} |
}; |
Ep.explodeClass = function (path) { |
var explodingChildren = []; |
if (path.node.superClass) { |
explodingChildren.push(path.get("superClass")); |
} |
path.get("body.body").forEach(function (member) { |
if (member.node.computed) { |
explodingChildren.push(member.get("key")); |
} |
}); |
var hasLeapingChildren = explodingChildren.some(function (child) { |
return meta.containsLeap(child); |
}); |
for (var i = 0; i < explodingChildren.length; i++) { |
var child = explodingChildren[i]; |
var isLast = i === explodingChildren.length - 1; |
if (isLast) { |
child.replaceWith(this.explodeExpression(child)); |
} else { |
child.replaceWith(this.explodeViaTempVar(null, child, hasLeapingChildren)); |
} |
} |
return path.node; |
}; |