You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
292 lines
6.9 KiB
292 lines
6.9 KiB
export as namespace acorn |
export = acorn |
declare namespace acorn { |
function parse(input: string, options: Options): Node |
function parseExpressionAt(input: string, pos: number, options: Options): Node |
function tokenizer(input: string, options: Options): { |
getToken(): Token |
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<Token> |
} |
type ecmaVersion = 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 'latest' |
interface Options { |
ecmaVersion: ecmaVersion |
sourceType?: 'script' | 'module' |
onInsertedSemicolon?: (lastTokEnd: number, lastTokEndLoc?: Position) => void |
onTrailingComma?: (lastTokEnd: number, lastTokEndLoc?: Position) => void |
allowReserved?: boolean | 'never' |
allowReturnOutsideFunction?: boolean |
allowImportExportEverywhere?: boolean |
allowAwaitOutsideFunction?: boolean |
allowSuperOutsideMethod?: boolean |
allowHashBang?: boolean |
locations?: boolean |
onToken?: ((token: Token) => any) | Token[] |
onComment?: (( |
isBlock: boolean, text: string, start: number, end: number, startLoc?: Position, |
endLoc?: Position |
) => void) | Comment[] |
ranges?: boolean |
program?: Node |
sourceFile?: string |
directSourceFile?: string |
preserveParens?: boolean |
} |
class Parser { |
// state.js |
lineStart: number; |
options: Options; |
curLine: number; |
start: number; |
end: number; |
input: string; |
type: TokenType; |
// state.js |
constructor(options: Options, input: string, startPos?: number) |
parse(this: Parser): Node |
// tokenize.js |
next(): void; |
nextToken(): void; |
// statement.js |
parseTopLevel(node: Node): Node; |
// node.js |
finishNode(node: Node, type: string): Node; |
finishNodeAt(node: Node, type: string, pos: number, loc: Position): Node; |
// location.js |
raise(pos: number, message: string) : void; |
raiseRecoverable?(pos: number, message: string) : void; |
// parseutils.js |
unexpected(pos: number) : void; |
// index.js |
static acorn: typeof acorn; |
// state.js |
static parse(this: typeof Parser, input: string, options: Options): Node |
static parseExpressionAt(this: typeof Parser, input: string, pos: number, options: Options): Node |
static tokenizer(this: typeof Parser, input: string, options: Options): { |
getToken(): Token |
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<Token> |
} |
static extend(this: typeof Parser, ...plugins: ((BaseParser: typeof Parser) => typeof Parser)[]): typeof Parser |
} |
interface Position { line: number; column: number; offset: number } |
const defaultOptions: Options |
function getLineInfo(input: string, offset: number): Position |
class SourceLocation { |
start: Position |
end: Position |
source?: string | null |
constructor(p: Parser, start: Position, end: Position) |
} |
class Node { |
type: string |
start: number |
end: number |
loc?: SourceLocation |
sourceFile?: string |
range?: [number, number] |
constructor(parser: Parser, pos: number, loc?: SourceLocation) |
} |
class TokenType { |
label: string |
keyword: string |
beforeExpr: boolean |
startsExpr: boolean |
isLoop: boolean |
isAssign: boolean |
prefix: boolean |
postfix: boolean |
binop: number |
updateContext?: (prevType: TokenType) => void |
constructor(label: string, conf?: any) |
} |
const tokTypes: { |
num: TokenType |
regexp: TokenType |
string: TokenType |
name: TokenType |
privateId: TokenType |
eof: TokenType |
bracketL: TokenType |
bracketR: TokenType |
braceL: TokenType |
braceR: TokenType |
parenL: TokenType |
parenR: TokenType |
comma: TokenType |
semi: TokenType |
colon: TokenType |
dot: TokenType |
question: TokenType |
questionDot: TokenType |
arrow: TokenType |
template: TokenType |
invalidTemplate: TokenType |
ellipsis: TokenType |
backQuote: TokenType |
dollarBraceL: TokenType |
eq: TokenType |
assign: TokenType |
incDec: TokenType |
prefix: TokenType |
logicalOR: TokenType |
logicalAND: TokenType |
bitwiseOR: TokenType |
bitwiseXOR: TokenType |
bitwiseAND: TokenType |
equality: TokenType |
relational: TokenType |
bitShift: TokenType |
plusMin: TokenType |
modulo: TokenType |
star: TokenType |
slash: TokenType |
starstar: TokenType |
coalesce: TokenType |
_break: TokenType |
_case: TokenType |
_catch: TokenType |
_continue: TokenType |
_debugger: TokenType |
_default: TokenType |
_do: TokenType |
_else: TokenType |
_finally: TokenType |
_for: TokenType |
_function: TokenType |
_if: TokenType |
_return: TokenType |
_switch: TokenType |
_throw: TokenType |
_try: TokenType |
_var: TokenType |
_const: TokenType |
_while: TokenType |
_with: TokenType |
_new: TokenType |
_this: TokenType |
_super: TokenType |
_class: TokenType |
_extends: TokenType |
_export: TokenType |
_import: TokenType |
_null: TokenType |
_true: TokenType |
_false: TokenType |
_in: TokenType |
_instanceof: TokenType |
_typeof: TokenType |
_void: TokenType |
_delete: TokenType |
} |
class TokContext { |
constructor(token: string, isExpr: boolean, preserveSpace: boolean, override?: (p: Parser) => void) |
} |
const tokContexts: { |
b_stat: TokContext |
b_expr: TokContext |
b_tmpl: TokContext |
p_stat: TokContext |
p_expr: TokContext |
q_tmpl: TokContext |
f_expr: TokContext |
f_stat: TokContext |
f_expr_gen: TokContext |
f_gen: TokContext |
} |
function isIdentifierStart(code: number, astral?: boolean): boolean |
function isIdentifierChar(code: number, astral?: boolean): boolean |
interface AbstractToken { |
} |
interface Comment extends AbstractToken { |
type: 'Line' | 'Block' |
value: string |
start: number |
end: number |
loc?: SourceLocation |
range?: [number, number] |
} |
class Token { |
type: TokenType |
value: any |
start: number |
end: number |
loc?: SourceLocation |
range?: [number, number] |
constructor(p: Parser) |
} |
function isNewLine(code: number): boolean |
const lineBreak: RegExp |
const lineBreakG: RegExp |
const version: string |
const nonASCIIwhitespace: RegExp |
const keywordTypes: { |
_break: TokenType |
_case: TokenType |
_catch: TokenType |
_continue: TokenType |
_debugger: TokenType |
_default: TokenType |
_do: TokenType |
_else: TokenType |
_finally: TokenType |
_for: TokenType |
_function: TokenType |
_if: TokenType |
_return: TokenType |
_switch: TokenType |
_throw: TokenType |
_try: TokenType |
_var: TokenType |
_const: TokenType |
_while: TokenType |
_with: TokenType |
_new: TokenType |
_this: TokenType |
_super: TokenType |
_class: TokenType |
_extends: TokenType |
_export: TokenType |
_import: TokenType |
_null: TokenType |
_true: TokenType |
_false: TokenType |
_in: TokenType |
_instanceof: TokenType |
_typeof: TokenType |
_void: TokenType |
_delete: TokenType |
} |