You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

225 lines
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import { hyphenate, capitalize, extend } from '@vue/shared';
function createDecl(prop, value, important, raws, source) {
const decl = {
type: 'decl',
value: value.toString(),
if (important) {
decl.important = true;
return decl;
const backgroundColor = 'backgroundColor';
const backgroundImage = 'backgroundImage';
const transformBackground = (decl) => {
const { value, important, raws, source } = decl;
if (/^#?\S+$/.test(value) || /^rgba?(.+)$/.test(value)) {
return [createDecl(backgroundColor, value, important, raws, source)];
else if (/^linear-gradient(.+)$/.test(value)) {
return [createDecl(backgroundImage, value, important, raws, source)];
return [decl];
const borderWidth = 'Width';
const borderStyle = 'Style';
const borderColor = 'Color';
const transformBorder = (decl) => {
const { prop, value, important, raws, source } = decl;
const splitResult = value.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',').split(/\s+/);
const result = [/^[\d\.]+\S*$/, /^(solid|dashed|dotted)$/, /\S+/].map((item) => {
const index = splitResult.findIndex((str) => item.test(str));
return index < 0 ? null : splitResult.splice(index, 1)[0];
if (splitResult.length) {
return [decl];
return [
createDecl(prop + borderWidth, (result[0] || '0').trim(), important, raws, source),
createDecl(prop + borderStyle, (result[1] || 'solid').trim(), important, raws, source),
createDecl(prop + borderColor, (result[2] || '#000000').trim(), important, raws, source),
const borderTop = 'borderTop';
const borderRight = 'borderRight';
const borderBottom = 'borderBottom';
const borderLeft = 'borderLeft';
const transformBorderColor = (decl) => {
const { prop, value, important, raws, source } = decl;
let property = hyphenate(prop).split('-')[1];
property = capitalize(property);
const splitResult = value.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ',').split(/\s+/);
switch (splitResult.length) {
case 1:
return [decl];
case 2:
splitResult.push(splitResult[0], splitResult[1]);
case 3:
return [
createDecl(borderTop + property, splitResult[0], important, raws, source),
createDecl(borderRight + property, splitResult[1], important, raws, source),
createDecl(borderBottom + property, splitResult[2], important, raws, source),
createDecl(borderLeft + property, splitResult[3], important, raws, source),
const borderTopLeftRadius = 'borderTopLeftRadius';
const borderTopRightRadius = 'borderTopRightRadius';
const borderBottomRightRadius = 'borderBottomRightRadius';
const borderBottomLeftRadius = 'borderBottomLeftRadius';
const transformBorderRadius = (decl) => {
const { value, important, raws, source } = decl;
const splitResult = value.split(/\s+/);
if (value.includes('/')) {
return [decl];
switch (splitResult.length) {
case 1:
return [decl];
case 2:
splitResult.push(splitResult[0], splitResult[1]);
case 3:
return [
createDecl(borderTopLeftRadius, splitResult[0], important, raws, source),
createDecl(borderTopRightRadius, splitResult[1], important, raws, source),
createDecl(borderBottomRightRadius, splitResult[2], important, raws, source),
createDecl(borderBottomLeftRadius, splitResult[3], important, raws, source),
const transformBorderStyle = transformBorderColor;
const transformBorderWidth = transformBorderColor;
const flexDirection = 'flexDirection';
const flexWrap = 'flexWrap';
const transformFlexFlow = (decl) => {
const { value, important, raws, source } = decl;
const splitResult = value.split(/\s+/);
const result = [
].map((item) => {
const index = splitResult.findIndex((str) => item.test(str));
return index < 0 ? null : splitResult.splice(index, 1)[0];
if (splitResult.length) {
return [decl];
return [
createDecl(flexDirection, result[0] || 'column', important, raws, source),
createDecl(flexWrap, result[1] || 'nowrap', important, raws, source),
const top = 'Top';
const right = 'Right';
const bottom = 'Bottom';
const left = 'Left';
const createTransformBox = (type) => {
return (decl) => {
const { value, important, raws, source } = decl;
const splitResult = value.split(/\s+/);
switch (splitResult.length) {
case 1:
splitResult.push(splitResult[0], splitResult[0], splitResult[0]);
case 2:
splitResult.push(splitResult[0], splitResult[1]);
case 3:
return [
createDecl(type + top, splitResult[0], important, raws, source),
createDecl(type + right, splitResult[1], important, raws, source),
createDecl(type + bottom, splitResult[2], important, raws, source),
createDecl(type + left, splitResult[3], important, raws, source),
const transformMargin = createTransformBox('margin');
const transformPadding = createTransformBox('padding');
const transitionProperty = 'transitionProperty';
const transitionDuration = 'transitionDuration';
const transitionTimingFunction = 'transitionTimingFunction';
const transitionDelay = 'transitionDelay';
const transformTransition = (decl) => {
const CHUNK_REGEXP = /^(\S*)?\s*(\d*\.?\d+(?:ms|s)?)?\s*(\S*)?\s*(\d*\.?\d+(?:ms|s)?)?$/;
const { value, important, raws, source } = decl;
const result = [];
const match = value.match(CHUNK_REGEXP);
if (!match) {
return result;
match[1] &&
result.push(createDecl(transitionProperty, match[1], important, raws, source));
match[2] &&
result.push(createDecl(transitionDuration, match[2], important, raws, source));
match[3] &&
result.push(createDecl(transitionTimingFunction, match[3], important, raws, source));
match[4] &&
result.push(createDecl(transitionDelay, match[4], important, raws, source));
return result;
const DeclTransforms = {
transition: transformTransition,
margin: transformMargin,
padding: transformPadding,
border: transformBorder,
background: transformBackground,
extend(DeclTransforms, {
borderTop: transformBorder,
borderRight: transformBorder,
borderBottom: transformBorder,
borderLeft: transformBorder,
borderStyle: transformBorderStyle,
borderWidth: transformBorderWidth,
borderColor: transformBorderColor,
borderRadius: transformBorderRadius,
flexFlow: transformFlexFlow,
const expanded = Symbol('expanded');
const expand = {
postcssPlugin: 'nvue:expand',
Declaration(decl) {
if (decl[expanded]) {
const transform = DeclTransforms[decl.prop];
if (transform) {
const res = transform(decl);
const isSame = res.length === 1 && res[0] === decl;
if (!isSame) {
decl[expanded] = true;
export { expand };