You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
5.2 KiB

/// <reference types="@dcloudio/types" />
import { capitalize } from '@vue/shared';
import type { ComponentInternalInstance } from '@vue/runtime-core';
import { extend } from '@vue/shared';
import { hasOwn } from '@vue/shared';
import { isPlainObject } from '@vue/shared';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { shallowRef } from 'vue';
export { capitalize }
export { extend }
export declare function formatAppLog(type: 'log' | 'info' | 'debug' | 'warn' | 'error', filename: string, ...args: unknown[]): void;
export declare function formatH5Log(type: keyof Console, filename: string, ...args: unknown[]): void;
* uni 对象是跨实例的,而此处列的 API 均是需要跟当前实例关联的,比如 requireNativePlugin 获取 dom 时,依赖当前 weex 实例
/// <reference types="@dcloudio/types" />
export declare function getCurrentSubNVue(): UniApp.SubNVue;
export declare function getSsrGlobalData(): any;
export { hasOwn }
export { isPlainObject }
declare interface NavigationBarSearchInputFocusChanged {
focus: boolean;
export declare const onAddToFavorites: (hook: (options: Page.AddToFavoritesOption) => Page.CustomFavoritesContent, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onBackPress: (hook: (options: Page.BackPressOption) => any, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onError: (hook: (error: string) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onHide: (hook: () => any, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onInit: (hook: (query?: AnyObject | undefined) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onLaunch: (hook: (options?: App.LaunchShowOption | undefined) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onLoad: (hook: (query?: AnyObject | undefined) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onNavigationBarButtonTap: (hook: (options: Page.NavigationBarButtonTapOption) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged: (hook: (event: Page.NavigationBarSearchInputEvent) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked: (hook: () => any, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed: (hook: (event: Page.NavigationBarSearchInputEvent) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onNavigationBarSearchInputFocusChanged: (hook: onNavigationBarSearchInputFocusChangedHook, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
declare type onNavigationBarSearchInputFocusChangedHook = (options: NavigationBarSearchInputFocusChanged) => void;
export declare const onPageNotFound: (hook: (options: App.PageNotFoundOption) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onPageScroll: (hook: (options: Page.PageScrollOption) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onPullDownRefresh: (hook: () => any, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onReachBottom: (hook: () => any, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onReady: (hook: () => any, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onResize: (hook: (options: Page.ResizeOption) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onSaveExitState: (hook: onSaveExitStateHook, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
declare type onSaveExitStateHook = () => SaveExitState;
export declare const onShareAppMessage: (hook: (options: Page.ShareAppMessageOption) => Page.CustomShareContent | Promise<Omit<Page.CustomShareContent, "promise">>, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onShareTimeline: (hook: () => Page.ShareTimelineContent, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onShow: (hook: ((options?: App.LaunchShowOption | undefined) => void) | (() => void), target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onTabItemTap: (hook: (options: Page.TabItemTapOption) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onThemeChange: (hook: (options: UniApp.OnThemeChangeCallbackResult) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onUnhandledRejection: (hook: (options: UniApp.OnUnhandledRejectionCallbackResult) => void, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare const onUnload: (hook: () => any, target?: ComponentInternalInstance | null) => void;
export declare function requireNativePlugin(name: string): any;
export declare function resolveEasycom(component: unknown, easycom: unknown): unknown;
declare interface SaveExitState {
data: any;
expireTimeStamp: number;
export declare const shallowSsrRef: SSRRef;
declare type SSRRef = (value: unknown, key?: string, shallow?: boolean) => ReturnType<typeof ref> | ReturnType<typeof shallowRef>;
export declare const ssrRef: SSRRef;
export { }