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181 lines
6.5 KiB
181 lines
6.5 KiB
{ |
"name": "rollup", |
"version": "3.29.4", |
"description": "Next-generation ES module bundler", |
"main": "dist/rollup.js", |
"module": "dist/es/rollup.js", |
"types": "dist/rollup.d.ts", |
"bin": { |
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"test:browser": "mocha test/browser/index.js", |
"watch": "rollup --config rollup.config.ts --configPlugin typescript --watch" |
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"repository": "rollup/rollup", |
"keywords": [ |
"modules", |
"bundler", |
"bundling", |
"es6", |
"optimizer" |
], |
"author": "Rich Harris", |
"license": "MIT", |
"bugs": { |
"url": "" |
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"devDependenciesComments": { |
"@rollup/plugin-typescript": "It appears that 11.1.3 breaks sourcemaps" |
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"exports": { |
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"require": "./dist/rollup.js", |
"import": "./dist/es/rollup.js" |
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"types": "./dist/loadConfigFile.d.ts", |
"require": "./dist/loadConfigFile.js", |
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"import": "./dist/es/getLogFilter.js" |
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"./dist/*": "./dist/*" |
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