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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import type { JestEnvironment } from '@jest/environment';
import type * as JestGlobals from '@jest/globals';
import type { SourceMapRegistry } from '@jest/source-map';
import type { V8CoverageResult } from '@jest/test-result';
import { CallerTransformOptions, ScriptTransformer, ShouldInstrumentOptions, shouldInstrument } from '@jest/transform';
import type { Config, Global } from '@jest/types';
import type { IModuleMap } from 'jest-haste-map';
import HasteMap from 'jest-haste-map';
import Resolver from 'jest-resolve';
import type { Context } from './types';
export type { Context } from './types';
interface JestGlobals extends Global.TestFrameworkGlobals {
expect: typeof JestGlobals.expect;
declare type HasteMapOptions = {
console?: Console;
maxWorkers: number;
resetCache: boolean;
watch?: boolean;
watchman: boolean;
interface InternalModuleOptions extends Required<CallerTransformOptions> {
isInternalModule: boolean;
export default class Runtime {
private readonly _cacheFS;
private readonly _config;
private readonly _coverageOptions;
private _currentlyExecutingModulePath;
private readonly _environment;
private readonly _explicitShouldMock;
private readonly _explicitShouldMockModule;
private _fakeTimersImplementation;
private readonly _internalModuleRegistry;
private _isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock;
private _mainModule;
private readonly _mockFactories;
private readonly _mockMetaDataCache;
private _mockRegistry;
private _isolatedMockRegistry;
private _moduleMockRegistry;
private readonly _moduleMockFactories;
private readonly _moduleMocker;
private _isolatedModuleRegistry;
private _moduleRegistry;
private readonly _esmoduleRegistry;
private readonly _cjsNamedExports;
private readonly _esmModuleLinkingMap;
private readonly _testPath;
private readonly _resolver;
private _shouldAutoMock;
private readonly _shouldMockModuleCache;
private readonly _shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache;
private readonly _sourceMapRegistry;
private readonly _scriptTransformer;
private readonly _fileTransforms;
private readonly _fileTransformsMutex;
private _v8CoverageInstrumenter;
private _v8CoverageResult;
private readonly _transitiveShouldMock;
private _unmockList;
private readonly _virtualMocks;
private readonly _virtualModuleMocks;
private _moduleImplementation?;
private readonly jestObjectCaches;
private jestGlobals?;
private readonly esmConditions;
private readonly cjsConditions;
private isTornDown;
constructor(config: Config.ProjectConfig, environment: JestEnvironment, resolver: Resolver, transformer: ScriptTransformer, cacheFS: Map<string, string>, coverageOptions: ShouldInstrumentOptions, testPath: Config.Path);
static shouldInstrument: typeof shouldInstrument;
static createContext(config: Config.ProjectConfig, options: {
console?: Console;
maxWorkers: number;
watch?: boolean;
watchman: boolean;
}): Promise<Context>;
static createHasteMap(config: Config.ProjectConfig, options?: HasteMapOptions): HasteMap;
static createResolver(config: Config.ProjectConfig, moduleMap: IModuleMap): Resolver;
static runCLI(): Promise<never>;
static getCLIOptions(): never;
unstable_shouldLoadAsEsm(path: Config.Path): boolean;
private loadEsmModule;
private resolveModule;
private linkAndEvaluateModule;
unstable_importModule(from: Config.Path, moduleName?: string): Promise<void>;
private loadCjsAsEsm;
private importMock;
private getExportsOfCjs;
requireModule<T = unknown>(from: Config.Path, moduleName?: string, options?: InternalModuleOptions, isRequireActual?: boolean): T;
requireInternalModule<T = unknown>(from: Config.Path, to?: string): T;
requireActual<T = unknown>(from: Config.Path, moduleName: string): T;
requireMock<T = unknown>(from: Config.Path, moduleName: string): T;
private _loadModule;
private _getFullTransformationOptions;
requireModuleOrMock<T = unknown>(from: Config.Path, moduleName: string): T;
isolateModules(fn: () => void): void;
resetModules(): void;
collectV8Coverage(): Promise<void>;
stopCollectingV8Coverage(): Promise<void>;
getAllCoverageInfoCopy(): JestEnvironment['global']['__coverage__'];
getAllV8CoverageInfoCopy(): V8CoverageResult;
getSourceMaps(): SourceMapRegistry;
setMock(from: string, moduleName: string, mockFactory: () => unknown, options?: {
virtual?: boolean;
}): void;
private setModuleMock;
restoreAllMocks(): void;
resetAllMocks(): void;
clearAllMocks(): void;
teardown(): void;
private _resolveModule;
private _requireResolve;
private _requireResolvePaths;
private _execModule;
private transformFile;
private transformFileAsync;
private createScriptFromCode;
private _requireCoreModule;
private _importCoreModule;
private _getMockedNativeModule;
private _generateMock;
private _shouldMock;
private _createRequireImplementation;
private _createJestObjectFor;
private _logFormattedReferenceError;
private wrapCodeInModuleWrapper;
private constructModuleWrapperStart;
private constructInjectedModuleParameters;
private handleExecutionError;
private getGlobalsForCjs;
private getGlobalsForEsm;
private getGlobalsFromEnvironment;
private readFile;
setGlobalsForRuntime(globals: JestGlobals): void;