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"use strict"; |
// JavaScript Image Resizer (c) 2012 - Grant Galitz |
// Released to public domain 29 July 2013: |
function Resize(widthOriginal, heightOriginal, targetWidth, targetHeight, blendAlpha, interpolationPass, resizeCallback) { |
this.widthOriginal = Math.abs(Math.floor(widthOriginal) || 0); |
this.heightOriginal = Math.abs(Math.floor(heightOriginal) || 0); |
this.targetWidth = Math.abs(Math.floor(targetWidth) || 0); |
this.targetHeight = Math.abs(Math.floor(targetHeight) || 0); |
this.colorChannels = blendAlpha ? 4 : 3; |
this.interpolationPass = Boolean(interpolationPass); |
this.resizeCallback = typeof resizeCallback === 'function' ? resizeCallback : function () {}; |
this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels = this.targetWidth * this.colorChannels; |
this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels = this.widthOriginal * this.colorChannels; |
this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels = this.heightOriginal * this.colorChannels; |
this.widthPassResultSize = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels * this.heightOriginal; |
this.finalResultSize = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels * this.targetHeight; |
this.initialize(); |
} |
Resize.prototype.initialize = function () { |
// Perform some checks: |
if (this.widthOriginal > 0 && this.heightOriginal > 0 && this.targetWidth > 0 && this.targetHeight > 0) { |
this.configurePasses(); |
} else { |
throw new Error('Invalid settings specified for the resizer.'); |
} |
}; |
Resize.prototype.configurePasses = function () { |
if (this.widthOriginal === this.targetWidth) { |
// Bypass the width resizer pass: |
this.resizeWidth = this.bypassResizer; |
} else { |
// Setup the width resizer pass: |
this.ratioWeightWidthPass = this.widthOriginal / this.targetWidth; |
if (this.ratioWeightWidthPass < 1 && this.interpolationPass) { |
this.initializeFirstPassBuffers(true); |
this.resizeWidth = this.colorChannels === 4 ? this.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGBA : this.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGB; |
} else { |
this.initializeFirstPassBuffers(false); |
this.resizeWidth = this.colorChannels === 4 ? this.resizeWidthRGBA : this.resizeWidthRGB; |
} |
} |
if (this.heightOriginal === this.targetHeight) { |
// Bypass the height resizer pass: |
this.resizeHeight = this.bypassResizer; |
} else { |
// Setup the height resizer pass: |
this.ratioWeightHeightPass = this.heightOriginal / this.targetHeight; |
if (this.ratioWeightHeightPass < 1 && this.interpolationPass) { |
this.initializeSecondPassBuffers(true); |
this.resizeHeight = this.resizeHeightInterpolated; |
} else { |
this.initializeSecondPassBuffers(false); |
this.resizeHeight = this.colorChannels === 4 ? this.resizeHeightRGBA : this.resizeHeightRGB; |
} |
} |
}; |
Resize.prototype._resizeWidthInterpolatedRGBChannels = function (buffer, fourthChannel) { |
var channelsNum = fourthChannel ? 4 : 3; |
var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightWidthPass; |
var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer; |
var weight = 0; |
var finalOffset = 0; |
var pixelOffset = 0; |
var firstWeight = 0; |
var secondWeight = 0; |
var targetPosition; // Handle for only one interpolation input being valid for start calculation: |
for (targetPosition = 0; weight < 1 / 3; targetPosition += channelsNum, weight += ratioWeight) { |
for (finalOffset = targetPosition, pixelOffset = 0; finalOffset < this.widthPassResultSize; pixelOffset += this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels, finalOffset += this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels) { |
outputBuffer[finalOffset] = buffer[pixelOffset]; |
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 1] = buffer[pixelOffset + 1]; |
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 2] = buffer[pixelOffset + 2]; |
if (fourthChannel) outputBuffer[finalOffset + 3] = buffer[pixelOffset + 3]; |
} |
} // Adjust for overshoot of the last pass's counter: |
weight -= 1 / 3; |
var interpolationWidthSourceReadStop; |
for (interpolationWidthSourceReadStop = this.widthOriginal - 1; weight < interpolationWidthSourceReadStop; targetPosition += channelsNum, weight += ratioWeight) { |
// Calculate weightings: |
secondWeight = weight % 1; |
firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight; // Interpolate: |
for (finalOffset = targetPosition, pixelOffset = Math.floor(weight) * channelsNum; finalOffset < this.widthPassResultSize; pixelOffset += this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels, finalOffset += this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels) { |
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 0] = buffer[pixelOffset + 0] * firstWeight + buffer[pixelOffset + channelsNum + 0] * secondWeight; |
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 1] = buffer[pixelOffset + 1] * firstWeight + buffer[pixelOffset + channelsNum + 1] * secondWeight; |
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 2] = buffer[pixelOffset + 2] * firstWeight + buffer[pixelOffset + channelsNum + 2] * secondWeight; |
if (fourthChannel) outputBuffer[finalOffset + 3] = buffer[pixelOffset + 3] * firstWeight + buffer[pixelOffset + channelsNum + 3] * secondWeight; |
} |
} // Handle for only one interpolation input being valid for end calculation: |
for (interpolationWidthSourceReadStop = this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels - channelsNum; targetPosition < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; targetPosition += channelsNum) { |
for (finalOffset = targetPosition, pixelOffset = interpolationWidthSourceReadStop; finalOffset < this.widthPassResultSize; pixelOffset += this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels, finalOffset += this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels) { |
outputBuffer[finalOffset] = buffer[pixelOffset]; |
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 1] = buffer[pixelOffset + 1]; |
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 2] = buffer[pixelOffset + 2]; |
if (fourthChannel) outputBuffer[finalOffset + 3] = buffer[pixelOffset + 3]; |
} |
} |
return outputBuffer; |
}; |
Resize.prototype._resizeWidthRGBChannels = function (buffer, fourthChannel) { |
var channelsNum = fourthChannel ? 4 : 3; |
var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightWidthPass; |
var ratioWeightDivisor = 1 / ratioWeight; |
var nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth = this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels - channelsNum + 1; |
var nextLineOffsetTargetWidth = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels - channelsNum + 1; |
var output = this.outputWidthWorkBench; |
var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer; |
var trustworthyColorsCount = this.outputWidthWorkBenchOpaquePixelsCount; |
var weight = 0; |
var amountToNext = 0; |
var actualPosition = 0; |
var currentPosition = 0; |
var line = 0; |
var pixelOffset = 0; |
var outputOffset = 0; |
var multiplier = 1; |
var r = 0; |
var g = 0; |
var b = 0; |
var a = 0; |
do { |
for (line = 0; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels;) { |
output[line++] = 0; |
output[line++] = 0; |
output[line++] = 0; |
if (fourthChannel) { |
output[line++] = 0; |
trustworthyColorsCount[line / channelsNum - 1] = 0; |
} |
} |
weight = ratioWeight; |
do { |
amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition; |
multiplier = Math.min(weight, amountToNext); |
for (line = 0, pixelOffset = actualPosition; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth) { |
r = buffer[pixelOffset]; |
g = buffer[++pixelOffset]; |
b = buffer[++pixelOffset]; |
a = fourthChannel ? buffer[++pixelOffset] : 255; // Ignore RGB values if pixel is completely transparent |
output[line++] += (a ? r : 0) * multiplier; |
output[line++] += (a ? g : 0) * multiplier; |
output[line++] += (a ? b : 0) * multiplier; |
if (fourthChannel) { |
output[line++] += a * multiplier; |
trustworthyColorsCount[line / channelsNum - 1] += a ? multiplier : 0; |
} |
} |
if (weight >= amountToNext) { |
actualPosition += channelsNum; |
currentPosition = actualPosition; |
weight -= amountToNext; |
} else { |
currentPosition += weight; |
break; |
} |
} while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels); |
for (line = 0, pixelOffset = outputOffset; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetTargetWidth) { |
weight = fourthChannel ? trustworthyColorsCount[line / channelsNum] : 1; |
multiplier = fourthChannel ? weight ? 1 / weight : 0 : ratioWeightDivisor; |
outputBuffer[pixelOffset] = output[line++] * multiplier; |
outputBuffer[++pixelOffset] = output[line++] * multiplier; |
outputBuffer[++pixelOffset] = output[line++] * multiplier; |
if (fourthChannel) outputBuffer[++pixelOffset] = output[line++] * ratioWeightDivisor; |
} |
outputOffset += channelsNum; |
} while (outputOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels); |
return outputBuffer; |
}; |
Resize.prototype._resizeHeightRGBChannels = function (buffer, fourthChannel) { |
var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightHeightPass; |
var ratioWeightDivisor = 1 / ratioWeight; |
var output = this.outputHeightWorkBench; |
var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer; |
var trustworthyColorsCount = this.outputHeightWorkBenchOpaquePixelsCount; |
var weight = 0; |
var amountToNext = 0; |
var actualPosition = 0; |
var currentPosition = 0; |
var pixelOffset = 0; |
var outputOffset = 0; |
var caret = 0; |
var multiplier = 1; |
var r = 0; |
var g = 0; |
var b = 0; |
var a = 0; |
do { |
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
if (fourthChannel) { |
output[pixelOffset++] = 0; |
trustworthyColorsCount[pixelOffset / 4 - 1] = 0; |
} |
} |
weight = ratioWeight; |
do { |
amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition; |
multiplier = Math.min(weight, amountToNext); |
caret = actualPosition; |
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
r = buffer[caret++]; |
g = buffer[caret++]; |
b = buffer[caret++]; |
a = fourthChannel ? buffer[caret++] : 255; // Ignore RGB values if pixel is completely transparent |
output[pixelOffset++] += (a ? r : 0) * multiplier; |
output[pixelOffset++] += (a ? g : 0) * multiplier; |
output[pixelOffset++] += (a ? b : 0) * multiplier; |
if (fourthChannel) { |
output[pixelOffset++] += a * multiplier; |
trustworthyColorsCount[pixelOffset / 4 - 1] += a ? multiplier : 0; |
} |
} |
if (weight >= amountToNext) { |
actualPosition = caret; |
currentPosition = actualPosition; |
weight -= amountToNext; |
} else { |
currentPosition += weight; |
break; |
} |
} while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.widthPassResultSize); |
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
weight = fourthChannel ? trustworthyColorsCount[pixelOffset / 4] : 1; |
multiplier = fourthChannel ? weight ? 1 / weight : 0 : ratioWeightDivisor; |
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] * multiplier); |
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] * multiplier); |
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] * multiplier); |
if (fourthChannel) { |
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] * ratioWeightDivisor); |
} |
} |
} while (outputOffset < this.finalResultSize); |
return outputBuffer; |
}; |
Resize.prototype.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGB = function (buffer) { |
return this._resizeWidthInterpolatedRGBChannels(buffer, false); |
}; |
Resize.prototype.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGBA = function (buffer) { |
return this._resizeWidthInterpolatedRGBChannels(buffer, true); |
}; |
Resize.prototype.resizeWidthRGB = function (buffer) { |
return this._resizeWidthRGBChannels(buffer, false); |
}; |
Resize.prototype.resizeWidthRGBA = function (buffer) { |
return this._resizeWidthRGBChannels(buffer, true); |
}; |
Resize.prototype.resizeHeightInterpolated = function (buffer) { |
var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightHeightPass; |
var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer; |
var weight = 0; |
var finalOffset = 0; |
var pixelOffset = 0; |
var pixelOffsetAccumulated = 0; |
var pixelOffsetAccumulated2 = 0; |
var firstWeight = 0; |
var secondWeight = 0; |
var interpolationHeightSourceReadStop; // Handle for only one interpolation input being valid for start calculation: |
for (; weight < 1 / 3; weight += ratioWeight) { |
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) { |
outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = Math.round(buffer[pixelOffset++]); |
} |
} // Adjust for overshoot of the last pass's counter: |
weight -= 1 / 3; |
for (interpolationHeightSourceReadStop = this.heightOriginal - 1; weight < interpolationHeightSourceReadStop; weight += ratioWeight) { |
// Calculate weightings: |
secondWeight = weight % 1; |
firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight; // Interpolate: |
pixelOffsetAccumulated = Math.floor(weight) * this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; |
pixelOffsetAccumulated2 = pixelOffsetAccumulated + this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; |
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; ++pixelOffset) { |
outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = Math.round(buffer[pixelOffsetAccumulated++] * firstWeight + buffer[pixelOffsetAccumulated2++] * secondWeight); |
} |
} // Handle for only one interpolation input being valid for end calculation: |
while (finalOffset < this.finalResultSize) { |
for (pixelOffset = 0, pixelOffsetAccumulated = interpolationHeightSourceReadStop * this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; ++pixelOffset) { |
outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = Math.round(buffer[pixelOffsetAccumulated++]); |
} |
} |
return outputBuffer; |
}; |
Resize.prototype.resizeHeightRGB = function (buffer) { |
return this._resizeHeightRGBChannels(buffer, false); |
}; |
Resize.prototype.resizeHeightRGBA = function (buffer) { |
return this._resizeHeightRGBChannels(buffer, true); |
}; |
Resize.prototype.resize = function (buffer) { |
this.resizeCallback(this.resizeHeight(this.resizeWidth(buffer))); |
}; |
Resize.prototype.bypassResizer = function (buffer) { |
// Just return the buffer passed: |
return buffer; |
}; |
Resize.prototype.initializeFirstPassBuffers = function (BILINEARAlgo) { |
// Initialize the internal width pass buffers: |
this.widthBuffer = this.generateFloatBuffer(this.widthPassResultSize); |
if (!BILINEARAlgo) { |
this.outputWidthWorkBench = this.generateFloatBuffer(this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels); |
if (this.colorChannels > 3) { |
this.outputWidthWorkBenchOpaquePixelsCount = this.generateFloat64Buffer(this.heightOriginal); |
} |
} |
}; |
Resize.prototype.initializeSecondPassBuffers = function (BILINEARAlgo) { |
// Initialize the internal height pass buffers: |
this.heightBuffer = this.generateUint8Buffer(this.finalResultSize); |
if (!BILINEARAlgo) { |
this.outputHeightWorkBench = this.generateFloatBuffer(this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels); |
if (this.colorChannels > 3) { |
this.outputHeightWorkBenchOpaquePixelsCount = this.generateFloat64Buffer(this.targetWidth); |
} |
} |
}; |
Resize.prototype.generateFloatBuffer = function (bufferLength) { |
// Generate a float32 typed array buffer: |
try { |
return new Float32Array(bufferLength); |
} catch (error) { |
return []; |
} |
}; |
Resize.prototype.generateFloat64Buffer = function (bufferLength) { |
// Generate a float64 typed array buffer: |
try { |
return new Float64Array(bufferLength); |
} catch (error) { |
return []; |
} |
}; |
Resize.prototype.generateUint8Buffer = function (bufferLength) { |
// Generate a uint8 typed array buffer: |
try { |
return new Uint8Array(bufferLength); |
} catch (error) { |
return []; |
} |
}; |
module.exports = Resize; |