'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var MagicString = require('magic-string'); var estreeWalker = require('estree-walker'); var compilerCore = require('@vue/compiler-core'); var parser = require('@babel/parser'); var shared = require('@vue/shared'); const CONVERT_SYMBOL = '$'; const ESCAPE_SYMBOL = '$$'; const IMPORT_SOURCE = 'vue/macros'; const shorthands = ['ref', 'computed', 'shallowRef', 'toRef', 'customRef']; const transformCheckRE = /[^\w]\$(?:\$|ref|computed|shallowRef)?\s*(\(|\<)/; function shouldTransform(src) { return transformCheckRE.test(src); } function transform(src, { filename, sourceMap, parserPlugins, importHelpersFrom = 'vue' } = {}) { const plugins = parserPlugins || []; if (filename) { if (/\.tsx?$/.test(filename)) { plugins.push('typescript'); } if (filename.endsWith('x')) { plugins.push('jsx'); } } const ast = parser.parse(src, { sourceType: 'module', plugins }); const s = new MagicString(src); const res = transformAST(ast.program, s, 0); // inject helper imports if (res.importedHelpers.length) { s.prepend(`import { ${res.importedHelpers .map(h => `${h} as _${h}`) .join(', ')} } from '${importHelpersFrom}'\n`); } return { ...res, code: s.toString(), map: sourceMap ? s.generateMap({ source: filename, hires: true, includeContent: true }) : null }; } function transformAST(ast, s, offset = 0, knownRefs, knownProps) { // TODO remove when out of experimental warnExperimental(); const userImports = Object.create(null); for (const node of ast.body) { if (node.type !== 'ImportDeclaration') continue; walkImportDeclaration(node); } // macro import handling let convertSymbol; let escapeSymbol; for (const { local, imported, source, specifier } of Object.values(userImports)) { if (source === IMPORT_SOURCE) { if (imported === ESCAPE_SYMBOL) { escapeSymbol = local; } else if (imported === CONVERT_SYMBOL) { convertSymbol = local; } else if (imported !== local) { error(`macro imports for ref-creating methods do not support aliasing.`, specifier); } } } // default symbol if (!convertSymbol && !userImports[CONVERT_SYMBOL]) { convertSymbol = CONVERT_SYMBOL; } if (!escapeSymbol && !userImports[ESCAPE_SYMBOL]) { escapeSymbol = ESCAPE_SYMBOL; } const importedHelpers = new Set(); const rootScope = {}; const scopeStack = [rootScope]; let currentScope = rootScope; let escapeScope; // inside $$() const excludedIds = new WeakSet(); const parentStack = []; const propsLocalToPublicMap = Object.create(null); if (knownRefs) { for (const key of knownRefs) { rootScope[key] = {}; } } if (knownProps) { for (const key in knownProps) { const { local, isConst } = knownProps[key]; rootScope[local] = { isProp: true, isConst: !!isConst }; propsLocalToPublicMap[local] = key; } } function walkImportDeclaration(node) { const source = node.source.value; if (source === IMPORT_SOURCE) { s.remove(node.start + offset, node.end + offset); } for (const specifier of node.specifiers) { const local = specifier.local.name; const imported = (specifier.type === 'ImportSpecifier' && specifier.imported.type === 'Identifier' && specifier.imported.name) || 'default'; userImports[local] = { source, local, imported, specifier }; } } function isRefCreationCall(callee) { if (!convertSymbol || currentScope[convertSymbol] !== undefined) { return false; } if (callee === convertSymbol) { return convertSymbol; } if (callee[0] === '$' && shorthands.includes(callee.slice(1))) { return callee; } return false; } function error(msg, node) { const e = new Error(msg); e.node = node; throw e; } function helper(msg) { importedHelpers.add(msg); return `_${msg}`; } function registerBinding(id, binding) { excludedIds.add(id); if (currentScope) { currentScope[id.name] = binding ? binding : false; } else { error('registerBinding called without active scope, something is wrong.', id); } } const registerRefBinding = (id, isConst = false) => registerBinding(id, { isConst }); let tempVarCount = 0; function genTempVar() { return `__$temp_${++tempVarCount}`; } function snip(node) { return s.original.slice(node.start + offset, node.end + offset); } function walkScope(node, isRoot = false) { for (const stmt of node.body) { if (stmt.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { walkVariableDeclaration(stmt, isRoot); } else if (stmt.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' || stmt.type === 'ClassDeclaration') { if (stmt.declare || !stmt.id) continue; registerBinding(stmt.id); } else if ((stmt.type === 'ForOfStatement' || stmt.type === 'ForInStatement') && stmt.left.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { walkVariableDeclaration(stmt.left); } else if (stmt.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && stmt.declaration && stmt.declaration.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { walkVariableDeclaration(stmt.declaration, isRoot); } else if (stmt.type === 'LabeledStatement' && stmt.body.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { walkVariableDeclaration(stmt.body, isRoot); } } } function walkVariableDeclaration(stmt, isRoot = false) { if (stmt.declare) { return; } for (const decl of stmt.declarations) { let refCall; const isCall = decl.init && decl.init.type === 'CallExpression' && decl.init.callee.type === 'Identifier'; if (isCall && (refCall = isRefCreationCall(decl.init.callee.name))) { processRefDeclaration(refCall, decl.id, decl.init, stmt.kind === 'const'); } else { const isProps = isRoot && isCall && decl.init.callee.name === 'defineProps'; for (const id of compilerCore.extractIdentifiers(decl.id)) { if (isProps) { // for defineProps destructure, only exclude them since they // are already passed in as knownProps excludedIds.add(id); } else { registerBinding(id); } } } } } function processRefDeclaration(method, id, call, isConst) { excludedIds.add(call.callee); if (method === convertSymbol) { // $ // remove macro s.remove(call.callee.start + offset, call.callee.end + offset); if (id.type === 'Identifier') { // single variable registerRefBinding(id, isConst); } else if (id.type === 'ObjectPattern') { processRefObjectPattern(id, call, isConst); } else if (id.type === 'ArrayPattern') { processRefArrayPattern(id, call, isConst); } } else { // shorthands if (id.type === 'Identifier') { registerRefBinding(id, isConst); // replace call s.overwrite(call.start + offset, call.start + method.length + offset, helper(method.slice(1))); } else { error(`${method}() cannot be used with destructure patterns.`, call); } } } function processRefObjectPattern(pattern, call, isConst, tempVar, path = []) { if (!tempVar) { tempVar = genTempVar(); // const { x } = $(useFoo()) --> const __$temp_1 = useFoo() s.overwrite(pattern.start + offset, pattern.end + offset, tempVar); } let nameId; for (const p of pattern.properties) { let key; let defaultValue; if (p.type === 'ObjectProperty') { if (p.key.start === p.value.start) { // shorthand { foo } nameId = p.key; if (p.value.type === 'Identifier') { // avoid shorthand value identifier from being processed excludedIds.add(p.value); } else if (p.value.type === 'AssignmentPattern' && p.value.left.type === 'Identifier') { // { foo = 1 } excludedIds.add(p.value.left); defaultValue = p.value.right; } } else { key = p.computed ? p.key : p.key.name; if (p.value.type === 'Identifier') { // { foo: bar } nameId = p.value; } else if (p.value.type === 'ObjectPattern') { processRefObjectPattern(p.value, call, isConst, tempVar, [ ...path, key ]); } else if (p.value.type === 'ArrayPattern') { processRefArrayPattern(p.value, call, isConst, tempVar, [ ...path, key ]); } else if (p.value.type === 'AssignmentPattern') { if (p.value.left.type === 'Identifier') { // { foo: bar = 1 } nameId = p.value.left; defaultValue = p.value.right; } else if (p.value.left.type === 'ObjectPattern') { processRefObjectPattern(p.value.left, call, isConst, tempVar, [ ...path, [key, p.value.right] ]); } else if (p.value.left.type === 'ArrayPattern') { processRefArrayPattern(p.value.left, call, isConst, tempVar, [ ...path, [key, p.value.right] ]); } else ; } } } else { // rest element { ...foo } error(`reactivity destructure does not support rest elements.`, p); } if (nameId) { registerRefBinding(nameId, isConst); // inject toRef() after original replaced pattern const source = pathToString(tempVar, path); const keyStr = shared.isString(key) ? `'${key}'` : key ? snip(key) : `'${nameId.name}'`; const defaultStr = defaultValue ? `, ${snip(defaultValue)}` : ``; s.appendLeft(call.end + offset, `,\n ${nameId.name} = ${helper('toRef')}(${source}, ${keyStr}${defaultStr})`); } } if (nameId) { s.appendLeft(call.end + offset, ';'); } } function processRefArrayPattern(pattern, call, isConst, tempVar, path = []) { if (!tempVar) { // const [x] = $(useFoo()) --> const __$temp_1 = useFoo() tempVar = genTempVar(); s.overwrite(pattern.start + offset, pattern.end + offset, tempVar); } let nameId; for (let i = 0; i < pattern.elements.length; i++) { const e = pattern.elements[i]; if (!e) continue; let defaultValue; if (e.type === 'Identifier') { // [a] --> [__a] nameId = e; } else if (e.type === 'AssignmentPattern') { // [a = 1] nameId = e.left; defaultValue = e.right; } else if (e.type === 'RestElement') { // [...a] error(`reactivity destructure does not support rest elements.`, e); } else if (e.type === 'ObjectPattern') { processRefObjectPattern(e, call, isConst, tempVar, [...path, i]); } else if (e.type === 'ArrayPattern') { processRefArrayPattern(e, call, isConst, tempVar, [...path, i]); } if (nameId) { registerRefBinding(nameId, isConst); // inject toRef() after original replaced pattern const source = pathToString(tempVar, path); const defaultStr = defaultValue ? `, ${snip(defaultValue)}` : ``; s.appendLeft(call.end + offset, `,\n ${nameId.name} = ${helper('toRef')}(${source}, ${i}${defaultStr})`); } } if (nameId) { s.appendLeft(call.end + offset, ';'); } } function pathToString(source, path) { if (path.length) { for (const seg of path) { if (shared.isArray(seg)) { source = `(${source}${segToString(seg[0])} || ${snip(seg[1])})`; } else { source += segToString(seg); } } } return source; } function segToString(seg) { if (typeof seg === 'number') { return `[${seg}]`; } else if (typeof seg === 'string') { return `.${seg}`; } else { return snip(seg); } } function rewriteId(scope, id, parent, parentStack) { if (shared.hasOwn(scope, id.name)) { const binding = scope[id.name]; if (binding) { if (binding.isConst && ((parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression' && id === parent.left) || parent.type === 'UpdateExpression')) { error(`Assignment to constant variable.`, id); } const { isProp } = binding; if (compilerCore.isStaticProperty(parent) && parent.shorthand) { // let binding used in a property shorthand // skip for destructure patterns if (!parent.inPattern || compilerCore.isInDestructureAssignment(parent, parentStack)) { if (isProp) { if (escapeScope) { // prop binding in $$() // { prop } -> { prop: __props_prop } registerEscapedPropBinding(id); s.appendLeft(id.end + offset, `: __props_${propsLocalToPublicMap[id.name]}`); } else { // { prop } -> { prop: __props.prop } s.appendLeft(id.end + offset, `: ${shared.genPropsAccessExp(propsLocalToPublicMap[id.name])}`); } } else { // { foo } -> { foo: foo.value } s.appendLeft(id.end + offset, `: ${id.name}.value`); } } } else { if (isProp) { if (escapeScope) { // x --> __props_x registerEscapedPropBinding(id); s.overwrite(id.start + offset, id.end + offset, `__props_${propsLocalToPublicMap[id.name]}`); } else { // x --> __props.x s.overwrite(id.start + offset, id.end + offset, shared.genPropsAccessExp(propsLocalToPublicMap[id.name])); } } else { // x --> x.value s.appendLeft(id.end + offset, '.value'); } } } return true; } return false; } const propBindingRefs = {}; function registerEscapedPropBinding(id) { if (!propBindingRefs.hasOwnProperty(id.name)) { propBindingRefs[id.name] = true; const publicKey = propsLocalToPublicMap[id.name]; s.prependRight(offset, `const __props_${publicKey} = ${helper(`toRef`)}(__props, '${publicKey}');\n`); } } // check root scope first walkScope(ast, true); estreeWalker.walk(ast, { enter(node, parent) { parent && parentStack.push(parent); // function scopes if (compilerCore.isFunctionType(node)) { scopeStack.push((currentScope = {})); compilerCore.walkFunctionParams(node, registerBinding); if (node.body.type === 'BlockStatement') { walkScope(node.body); } return; } // catch param if (node.type === 'CatchClause') { scopeStack.push((currentScope = {})); if (node.param && node.param.type === 'Identifier') { registerBinding(node.param); } walkScope(node.body); return; } // non-function block scopes if (node.type === 'BlockStatement' && !compilerCore.isFunctionType(parent)) { scopeStack.push((currentScope = {})); walkScope(node); return; } // skip type nodes if (parent && parent.type.startsWith('TS') && parent.type !== 'TSAsExpression' && parent.type !== 'TSNonNullExpression' && parent.type !== 'TSTypeAssertion') { return this.skip(); } if (node.type === 'Identifier') { const binding = rootScope[node.name]; if ( // if inside $$(), skip unless this is a destructured prop binding !(escapeScope && (!binding || !binding.isProp)) && compilerCore.isReferencedIdentifier(node, parent, parentStack) && !excludedIds.has(node)) { // walk up the scope chain to check if id should be appended .value let i = scopeStack.length; while (i--) { if (rewriteId(scopeStack[i], node, parent, parentStack)) { return; } } } } if (node.type === 'CallExpression' && node.callee.type === 'Identifier') { const callee = node.callee.name; const refCall = isRefCreationCall(callee); if (refCall && (!parent || parent.type !== 'VariableDeclarator')) { return error(`${refCall} can only be used as the initializer of ` + `a variable declaration.`, node); } if (escapeSymbol && currentScope[escapeSymbol] === undefined && callee === escapeSymbol) { escapeScope = node; s.remove(node.callee.start + offset, node.callee.end + offset); if ((parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.type) === 'ExpressionStatement') { // edge case where the call expression is an expression statement // if its own - prepend semicolon to avoid it being parsed as // function invocation of previous line let i = (node.leadingComments ? node.leadingComments[0].start : node.start) + offset; while (i--) { const char = s.original.charAt(i); if (char === '\n') { // only insert semi if it's actually the fisrt thign after // newline s.prependRight(node.start + offset, ';'); break; } else if (!/\s/.test(char)) { break; } } } } // TODO remove when out of experimental if (callee === '$raw') { error(`$raw() has been replaced by $$(). ` + `See ${RFC_LINK} for latest updates.`, node); } if (callee === '$fromRef') { error(`$fromRef() has been replaced by $(). ` + `See ${RFC_LINK} for latest updates.`, node); } } }, leave(node, parent) { parent && parentStack.pop(); if ((node.type === 'BlockStatement' && !compilerCore.isFunctionType(parent)) || compilerCore.isFunctionType(node)) { scopeStack.pop(); currentScope = scopeStack[scopeStack.length - 1] || null; } if (node === escapeScope) { escapeScope = undefined; } } }); return { rootRefs: Object.keys(rootScope).filter(key => { const binding = rootScope[key]; return binding && !binding.isProp; }), importedHelpers: [...importedHelpers] }; } const RFC_LINK = `https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/discussions/369`; const hasWarned = {}; function warnExperimental() { // eslint-disable-next-line if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { return; } warnOnce(`Reactivity transform is an experimental feature.\n` + `Experimental features may change behavior between patch versions.\n` + `It is recommended to pin your vue dependencies to exact versions to avoid breakage.\n` + `You can follow the proposal's status at ${RFC_LINK}.`); } function warnOnce(msg) { const isNodeProd = typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; if (!isNodeProd && !false && !hasWarned[msg]) { hasWarned[msg] = true; warn(msg); } } function warn(msg) { console.warn(`\x1b[1m\x1b[33m[@vue/reactivity-transform]\x1b[0m\x1b[33m ${msg}\x1b[0m\n`); } exports.shouldTransform = shouldTransform; exports.transform = transform; exports.transformAST = transformAST;