
Print text on an image.

Jimp supports basic typography using BMFont format (.fnt) even ones in different languages! Just find a bitmap font that is suitable [bitmap fonts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitmap_fonts). Online tools are also available to convert TTF fonts to BMFont format. They can be used to create color font or sprite packs. :star: [ttf2fnt](https://ttf2fnt.com/) :star: [Littera](http://kvazars.com/littera/) :star: [Hiero](https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Hiero) ## Included Fonts - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_8_BLACK` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_10_BLACK` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_12_BLACK` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_14_BLACK` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_16_BLACK` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_32_BLACK` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_64_BLACK` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_128_BLACK` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_8_WHITE` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_16_WHITE` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_32_WHITE` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_64_WHITE` - `Jimp.FONT_SANS_128_WHITE` ## loadFont Loads a bitmap font from a file - @param {string} file the file path of a .fnt file - @param {function(Error, Jimp)} cb (optional) a function to call when the font is loaded - @returns {Promise} a promise ```js import Jimp from 'jimp'; async function main() { const font = await Jimp.loadFont(Jimp.FONT_SANS_32_BLACK); } main(); ``` ## print Draws a text on a image on a given boundary - @param {Jimp} font a bitmap font loaded from `Jimp.loadFont` command - @param {number} x the x position to start drawing the text - @param {number} y the y position to start drawing the text - @param {string} text the text to draw (string or object with `text`, `alignmentX`, and/or `alignmentY`) - @param {number} maxWidth (optional) the boundary width to draw in - @param {number} maxHeight (optional) the boundary height to draw in - @param {function(Error, Jimp)} cb (optional) a function to call when the text is written ```js import Jimp from 'jimp'; async function main() { const font = await Jimp.loadFont(Jimp.FONT_SANS_32_BLACK); const image = await Jimp.read(1000, 1000, 0x0000ffff); image.print(font, 10, 10, 'Hello World!'); } main(); ``` ### Alignment Alignment modes are supported by replacing the `str` argument with an object containing `text`, `alignmentX` and `alignmentY`. `alignmentX` defaults to `Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT` and `alignmentY` defaults to `Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP`. You can align text using the following constants. ```js Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT; Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER; Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT; Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP; Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE; Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM; ``` Default align modes for `image.print` are: ```js { alignmentX: Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT, alignmentY: Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP } ``` ```js const font = await Jimp.loadFont(pathOrURL); // prints 'Hello world!' on an image, middle and center-aligned image.print( font, x, y, { text: 'Hello world!', alignmentX: Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER, alignmentY: Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE }, maxWidth, maxHeight ); ``` __Note__: although `maxWidth` and `maxHeight` parameters are optional to `print()`, they are needed to correctly align the text using the requested alignment mode. #### Staggering Text If you need to stagger text position along the x or y-axis the print method also returns the final coordinates as an argument to the callback. ```js const font = await Jimp.loadFont(Jimp.FONT_SANS_32_BLACK); image.print( font, 10, 10, 'Hello world that wraps!', 50, (err, image, { x, y }) => { image.print(font, x, y + 20, 'More text on another line', 50); } ); ``` ## measureText Measure how wide a piece of text will be. ```js import Jimp from 'jimp'; async function main() { const font = await Jimp.loadFont(Jimp.FONT_SANS_32_BLACK); const image = await Jimp.read(1000, 1000, 0x0000ffff); Jimp.measureText(font, 'Hello World!'); } main(); ``` ## measureTextHeight Measure how tall a piece of text will be. ```js import Jimp from 'jimp'; async function main() { const font = await Jimp.loadFont(Jimp.FONT_SANS_32_BLACK); const image = await Jimp.read(1000, 1000, 0x0000ffff); Jimp.measureTextHeight(font, 'Hello World!', 100); } main(); ```