"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = void 0; var _utils = require("@jimp/utils"); /** * Inverts the image * @param {function(Error, Jimp)} cb (optional) a callback for when complete * @returns {Jimp} this for chaining of methods */ var _default = function _default() { return { invert: function invert(cb) { this.scanQuiet(0, 0, this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height, function (x, y, idx) { this.bitmap.data[idx] = 255 - this.bitmap.data[idx]; this.bitmap.data[idx + 1] = 255 - this.bitmap.data[idx + 1]; this.bitmap.data[idx + 2] = 255 - this.bitmap.data[idx + 2]; }); if ((0, _utils.isNodePattern)(cb)) { cb.call(this, null, this); } return this; } }; }; exports["default"] = _default; module.exports = exports.default; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map