import { Jimp, mkJGD } from '@jimp/test-utils'; import configure from '@jimp/custom'; import crop from '../src'; const jimp = configure({ plugins: [crop] }, Jimp); describe('Autocrop', () => { it('image with transparent surround color', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( ' ', ' ◆◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆◆ ', ' ' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop() .getJGDSync() mkJGD(' ◆◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', '◆▦▦▦▦◆', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆◆ ') ); }); it('image with opaque surround color', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥◆◆▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥◆▦▦◆▥▥▥', '▥▥◆▦▦▦▦◆▥▥', '▥▥▥◆▦▦◆▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥◆◆▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop() .getJGDSync() mkJGD('▥▥◆◆▥▥', '▥◆▦▦◆▥', '◆▦▦▦▦◆', '▥◆▦▦◆▥', '▥▥◆◆▥▥') ); }); it('image with one color border', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆◆ ▥▥', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥', '▥▥ ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ▥▥', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥', '▥▥ ◆◆ ▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop() .getJGDSync() mkJGD(' ◆◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆◆ ') ); }); it('image border with small variation', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '323232323232', '232323232323', '32 ◆◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆▦▦▦▦◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆◆ 32', '232323232323', '323232323232' ) ); imgSrc .clone() .autocrop() .getJGDSync() mkJGD( '323232323232', '232323232323', '32 ◆◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆▦▦▦▦◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆◆ 32', '232323232323', '323232323232' ) ); imgSrc .clone() .autocrop(0.005) .getJGDSync() mkJGD(' ◆◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆◆ ') ); }); it('image border with small variation configured by options', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '323232323232', '232323232323', '32 ◆◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆▦▦▦▦◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆◆ 32', '232323232323', '323232323232' ) ); imgSrc .clone() .autocrop() .getJGDSync() mkJGD( '323232323232', '232323232323', '32 ◆◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆▦▦▦▦◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆◆ 32', '232323232323', '323232323232' ) ); imgSrc .clone() .autocrop({ tolerance: 0.005 }) .getJGDSync() mkJGD(' ◆◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆◆ ') ); }); it('image without frame', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '▥▥ ◆◆ ', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ', '▥▥ ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ', '▥▥ ◆◆ ', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop(false) .getJGDSync() mkJGD(' ◆◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆◆ ') ); }); it('image without frame configured by options', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '▥▥ ◆◆ ', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ', '▥▥ ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ', '▥▥ ◆◆ ', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop({ cropOnlyFrames: false }) .getJGDSync() mkJGD(' ◆◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆◆ ') ); }); it('image with symmetric border configured by options', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop({ cropSymmetric: true }) .getJGDSync() mkJGD( ' ◆◆ ▥▥', ' ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ▥▥', ' ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥', ' ◆◆ ▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); }); it('image without frame and with symmetric border configured by options', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '▥▥ ◆◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥ ◆◆ ▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop({ cropSymmetric: true, cropOnlyFrames: false }) .getJGDSync() mkJGD( ' ◆◆ ▥▥', ' ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ▥▥', ' ◆▦▦◆ ▥▥', ' ◆◆ ▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); }); it('image without frame and with some border left', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '323232323232', '232323232323', '32 ◆◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆▦▦▦▦◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆◆ 32', '232323232323', '323232323232' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop({ tolerance: 0.005, leaveBorder: 1 }) .getJGDSync() mkJGD( '3232323232', '2 ◆◆ 3', '3 ◆▦▦◆ 2', '2 ◆▦▦▦▦◆ 3', '3 ◆▦▦◆ 2', '2 ◆◆ 3', '3232323232' ) ); }); it('image not cropped given an out of bounds "leaveBorder" value ', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '323232323232', '232323232323', '32 ◆◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆▦▦▦▦◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆◆ 32', '232323232323', '323232323232' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop({ tolerance: 0.005, leaveBorder: 100 }) .getJGDSync() mkJGD( '323232323232', '232323232323', '32 ◆◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆▦▦▦▦◆ 32', '23 ◆▦▦◆ 23', '32 ◆◆ 32', '232323232323', '323232323232' ) ); }); it('image with top and bottom frame and leaveBorder', async () => { const imgSrc = await mkJGD( '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', ' ◆◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆◆ ', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); imgSrc .autocrop({ cropSymmetric: true, cropOnlyFrames: false, leaveBorder: 2 }) .getJGDSync() mkJGD( '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', ' ◆◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦▦▦◆ ', ' ◆▦▦◆ ', ' ◆◆ ', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥', '▥▥▥▥▥▥▥▥' ) ); }); });