
Resize an image.

Resizes the image to a set width and height using a 2-pass bilinear algorithm/ ## Usage - @param {number} w the width to resize the image to (or Jimp.AUTO) - @param {number} h the height to resize the image to (or Jimp.AUTO) - @param {string} mode (optional) a scaling method (e.g. Jimp.RESIZE_BEZIER) - @param {function(Error, Jimp)} cb (optional) a callback for when complete ```js import jimp from 'jimp'; async function main() { // Read the image. const image = await jimp.read('test/image.png'); // Resize the image to width 150 and auto height. await image.resize(150, jimp.AUTO); // Save and overwrite the image await image.writeAsync('test/image.png'); } main(); ``` ## Auto `Jimp.AUTO` can be passes to either the height or width and jimp will scale the image accordingly. `Jimp.AUTO` cannot be both height and width. ```js // resize the height to 250 and scale the width accordingly image.resize(Jimp.AUTO, 250); // resize the width to 250 and scale the height accordingly image.resize(250, Jimp.AUTO); ``` ### Resize modes The default resizing algorithm uses a bilinear method. Optionally, the following constants can be passed to choose a particular resizing algorithm: ```js Jimp.RESIZE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR; Jimp.RESIZE_BILINEAR; Jimp.RESIZE_BICUBIC; Jimp.RESIZE_HERMITE; Jimp.RESIZE_BEZIER; ``` ```js image.resize(250, 250, Jimp.RESIZE_BEZIER); ```