"use strict"; var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault"); require("core-js/modules/es.array.slice"); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = pluginCrop; var _typeof2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/typeof")); var _utils = require("@jimp/utils"); /* eslint-disable no-labels */ function pluginCrop(event) { /** * Crops the image at a given point to a give size * @param {number} x the x coordinate to crop form * @param {number} y the y coordinate to crop form * @param w the width of the crop region * @param h the height of the crop region * @param {function(Error, Jimp)} cb (optional) a callback for when complete * @returns {Jimp} this for chaining of methods */ event('crop', function (x, y, w, h, cb) { if (typeof x !== 'number' || typeof y !== 'number') return _utils.throwError.call(this, 'x and y must be numbers', cb); if (typeof w !== 'number' || typeof h !== 'number') return _utils.throwError.call(this, 'w and h must be numbers', cb); // round input x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); w = Math.round(w); h = Math.round(h); if (x === 0 && w === this.bitmap.width) { // shortcut var start = w * y + x << 2; var end = start + h * w << 2; this.bitmap.data = this.bitmap.data.slice(start, end); } else { var bitmap = Buffer.allocUnsafe(w * h * 4); var offset = 0; this.scanQuiet(x, y, w, h, function (x, y, idx) { var data = this.bitmap.data.readUInt32BE(idx, true); bitmap.writeUInt32BE(data, offset, true); offset += 4; }); this.bitmap.data = bitmap; } this.bitmap.width = w; this.bitmap.height = h; if ((0, _utils.isNodePattern)(cb)) { cb.call(this, null, this); } return this; }); return { "class": { /** * Autocrop same color borders from this image * @param {number} tolerance (optional): a percent value of tolerance for pixels color difference (default: 0.0002%) * @param {boolean} cropOnlyFrames (optional): flag to crop only real frames: all 4 sides of the image must have some border (default: true) * @param {function(Error, Jimp)} cb (optional): a callback for when complete (default: no callback) * @returns {Jimp} this for chaining of methods */ autocrop: function autocrop() { var w = this.bitmap.width; var h = this.bitmap.height; var minPixelsPerSide = 1; // to avoid cropping completely the image, resulting in an invalid 0 sized image var cb; // callback var leaveBorder = 0; // Amount of pixels in border to leave var tolerance = 0.0002; // percent of color difference tolerance (default value) var cropOnlyFrames = true; // flag to force cropping only if the image has a real "frame" // i.e. all 4 sides have some border (default value) var cropSymmetric = false; // flag to force cropping top be symmetric. // i.e. north and south / east and west are cropped by the same value // parse arguments for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } for (var a = 0, len = args.length; a < len; a++) { if (typeof args[a] === 'number') { // tolerance value passed tolerance = args[a]; } if (typeof args[a] === 'boolean') { // cropOnlyFrames value passed cropOnlyFrames = args[a]; } if (typeof args[a] === 'function') { // callback value passed cb = args[a]; } if ((0, _typeof2["default"])(args[a]) === 'object') { // config object passed var config = args[a]; if (typeof config.tolerance !== 'undefined') { tolerance = config.tolerance; } if (typeof config.cropOnlyFrames !== 'undefined') { cropOnlyFrames = config.cropOnlyFrames; } if (typeof config.cropSymmetric !== 'undefined') { cropSymmetric = config.cropSymmetric; } if (typeof config.leaveBorder !== 'undefined') { leaveBorder = config.leaveBorder; } } } /** * All borders must be of the same color as the top left pixel, to be cropped. * It should be possible to crop borders each with a different color, * but since there are many ways for corners to intersect, it would * introduce unnecessary complexity to the algorithm. */ // scan each side for same color borders var colorTarget = this.getPixelColor(0, 0); // top left pixel color is the target color var rgba1 = this.constructor.intToRGBA(colorTarget); // for north and east sides var northPixelsToCrop = 0; var eastPixelsToCrop = 0; var southPixelsToCrop = 0; var westPixelsToCrop = 0; // north side (scan rows from north to south) colorTarget = this.getPixelColor(0, 0); north: for (var y = 0; y < h - minPixelsPerSide; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { var colorXY = this.getPixelColor(x, y); var rgba2 = this.constructor.intToRGBA(colorXY); if (this.constructor.colorDiff(rgba1, rgba2) > tolerance) { // this pixel is too distant from the first one: abort this side scan break north; } } // this row contains all pixels with the same color: increment this side pixels to crop northPixelsToCrop++; } // east side (scan columns from east to west) colorTarget = this.getPixelColor(w, 0); east: for (var _x = 0; _x < w - minPixelsPerSide; _x++) { for (var _y = 0 + northPixelsToCrop; _y < h; _y++) { var _colorXY = this.getPixelColor(_x, _y); var _rgba = this.constructor.intToRGBA(_colorXY); if (this.constructor.colorDiff(rgba1, _rgba) > tolerance) { // this pixel is too distant from the first one: abort this side scan break east; } } // this column contains all pixels with the same color: increment this side pixels to crop eastPixelsToCrop++; } // south side (scan rows from south to north) colorTarget = this.getPixelColor(0, h); south: for (var _y2 = h - 1; _y2 >= northPixelsToCrop + minPixelsPerSide; _y2--) { for (var _x2 = w - eastPixelsToCrop - 1; _x2 >= 0; _x2--) { var _colorXY2 = this.getPixelColor(_x2, _y2); var _rgba2 = this.constructor.intToRGBA(_colorXY2); if (this.constructor.colorDiff(rgba1, _rgba2) > tolerance) { // this pixel is too distant from the first one: abort this side scan break south; } } // this row contains all pixels with the same color: increment this side pixels to crop southPixelsToCrop++; } // west side (scan columns from west to east) colorTarget = this.getPixelColor(w, h); west: for (var _x3 = w - 1; _x3 >= 0 + eastPixelsToCrop + minPixelsPerSide; _x3--) { for (var _y3 = h - 1; _y3 >= 0 + northPixelsToCrop; _y3--) { var _colorXY3 = this.getPixelColor(_x3, _y3); var _rgba3 = this.constructor.intToRGBA(_colorXY3); if (this.constructor.colorDiff(rgba1, _rgba3) > tolerance) { // this pixel is too distant from the first one: abort this side scan break west; } } // this column contains all pixels with the same color: increment this side pixels to crop westPixelsToCrop++; } // decide if a crop is needed var doCrop = false; // apply leaveBorder westPixelsToCrop -= leaveBorder; eastPixelsToCrop -= leaveBorder; northPixelsToCrop -= leaveBorder; southPixelsToCrop -= leaveBorder; if (cropSymmetric) { var horizontal = Math.min(eastPixelsToCrop, westPixelsToCrop); var vertical = Math.min(northPixelsToCrop, southPixelsToCrop); westPixelsToCrop = horizontal; eastPixelsToCrop = horizontal; northPixelsToCrop = vertical; southPixelsToCrop = vertical; } // make sure that crops are >= 0 westPixelsToCrop = westPixelsToCrop >= 0 ? westPixelsToCrop : 0; eastPixelsToCrop = eastPixelsToCrop >= 0 ? eastPixelsToCrop : 0; northPixelsToCrop = northPixelsToCrop >= 0 ? northPixelsToCrop : 0; southPixelsToCrop = southPixelsToCrop >= 0 ? southPixelsToCrop : 0; // safety checks var widthOfRemainingPixels = w - (westPixelsToCrop + eastPixelsToCrop); var heightOfRemainingPixels = h - (southPixelsToCrop + northPixelsToCrop); if (cropOnlyFrames) { // crop image if all sides should be cropped doCrop = eastPixelsToCrop !== 0 && northPixelsToCrop !== 0 && westPixelsToCrop !== 0 && southPixelsToCrop !== 0; } else { // crop image if at least one side should be cropped doCrop = eastPixelsToCrop !== 0 || northPixelsToCrop !== 0 || westPixelsToCrop !== 0 || southPixelsToCrop !== 0; } if (doCrop) { // do the real crop this.crop(eastPixelsToCrop, northPixelsToCrop, widthOfRemainingPixels, heightOfRemainingPixels); } if ((0, _utils.isNodePattern)(cb)) { cb.call(this, null, this); } return this; } } }; } module.exports = exports.default; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map