import { BindingMetadata, CompilerError } from '@vue/compiler-core'; import { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map'; import { DirectiveTransform, NodeTransform } from './transform'; interface SharedTransformCodegenOptions { targetLanguage: 'kotlin' | 'swift'; /** * Transform expressions like {{ foo }} to ``. * @default false */ prefixIdentifiers?: boolean; /** * Optional binding metadata analyzed from script - used to optimize * binding access when `prefixIdentifiers` is enabled. */ bindingMetadata?: BindingMetadata; /** * Filename for source map generation. * Also used for self-recursive reference in templates * @default '' */ filename?: string; } export interface CodegenOptions extends SharedTransformCodegenOptions { /** * function * @default 'default' */ mode?: 'default' | 'function'; /** * Generate source map? * @default false */ sourceMap?: boolean; /** * 匹配 easycom 组件 * @param tag */ matchEasyCom?: (tag: string, uts: boolean) => string | false | undefined | void; /** * 解析 uts component 组件 * @param name * @param type */ parseUTSComponent?: (name: string, type: 'kotlin' | 'swift') => { className: string; namespace: string; source: string; } | undefined | void; } export interface ErrorHandlingOptions { onWarn?: (warning: CompilerError) => void; onError?: (error: CompilerError) => void; } export interface TransformOptions extends SharedTransformCodegenOptions, ErrorHandlingOptions { /** * An array of node transforms to be applied to every AST node. */ nodeTransforms?: NodeTransform[]; /** * An object of { name: transform } to be applied to every directive attribute * node found on element nodes. */ directiveTransforms?: Record; /** * If the pairing runtime provides additional built-in elements, use this to * mark them as built-in so the compiler will generate component vnodes * for them. */ isBuiltInComponent?: (tag: string) => symbol | void; /** * Used by some transforms that expects only native elements */ isCustomElement?: (tag: string) => boolean | void; /** * SFC scoped styles ID */ scopeId?: string | null; /** * Indicates this SFC template has used :slotted in its styles * Defaults to `true` for backwards compatibility - SFC tooling should set it * to `false` if no `:slotted` usage is detected in `