(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.Tools = {})); })(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; /** * Make a map and return a function for checking if a key * is in that map. * IMPORTANT: all calls of this function must be prefixed with * \/\*#\_\_PURE\_\_\*\/ * So that rollup can tree-shake them if necessary. */ (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') ? Object.freeze({}) : {}; (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') ? Object.freeze([]) : []; const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; const hasOwn = (val, key) => hasOwnProperty.call(val, key); const ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_CREATE = 1; const ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_CREATED = 2; const ACTION_TYPE_CREATE = 3; const ACTION_TYPE_INSERT = 4; const ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE = 5; const ACTION_TYPE_SET_ATTRIBUTE = 6; const ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE = 7; const ACTION_TYPE_ADD_EVENT = 8; const ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE_EVENT = 9; const ACTION_TYPE_SET_TEXT = 10; const ACTION_TYPE_ADD_WXS_EVENT = 12; const ACTION_TYPE_DICT = 0; function createGetDict(dict) { if (!dict.length) { return (v) => v; } const getDict = (value, includeValue = true) => { if (typeof value === 'number') { return dict[value]; } const res = {}; value.forEach(([n, v]) => { if (includeValue) { res[getDict(n)] = getDict(v); } else { res[getDict(n)] = v; } }); return res; }; return getDict; } function decodeActions(actions) { const [type, dict] = actions[0]; if (type !== ACTION_TYPE_DICT) { return actions; } const getDict = createGetDict(dict); return actions.map((action) => { switch (action[0]) { case ACTION_TYPE_DICT: return action; case ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_CREATE: return decodePageCreateAction(action); case ACTION_TYPE_PAGE_CREATED: return decodePageCreatedAction(action); case ACTION_TYPE_CREATE: return decodeCreateAction(action, getDict); case ACTION_TYPE_INSERT: return decodeInsertAction(action, getDict); case ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE: return decodeRemoveAction(action); case ACTION_TYPE_SET_ATTRIBUTE: return decodeSetAttributeAction(action, getDict); case ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE: return decodeRemoveAttributeAction(action, getDict); case ACTION_TYPE_ADD_EVENT: return decodeAddEventAction(action, getDict); case ACTION_TYPE_ADD_WXS_EVENT: return decodeAddWxsEventAction(action, getDict); case ACTION_TYPE_REMOVE_EVENT: return decodeRemoveEventAction(action, getDict); case ACTION_TYPE_SET_TEXT: return decodeSetTextAction(action, getDict); } }); } function decodePageCreateAction([, pageCreateData]) { return ['pageCreate', pageCreateData]; } function decodePageCreatedAction([]) { return ['pageCreated']; } function decodeNodeJson(getDict, nodeJson) { if (!nodeJson) { return; } if (hasOwn(nodeJson, 'a')) { nodeJson.a = getDict(nodeJson.a); } if (hasOwn(nodeJson, 'e')) { nodeJson.e = getDict(nodeJson.e, false); } if (hasOwn(nodeJson, 'w')) { nodeJson.w = getWxsEventDict(nodeJson.w, getDict); } if (hasOwn(nodeJson, 's')) { nodeJson.s = getDict(nodeJson.s); } if (hasOwn(nodeJson, 't')) { nodeJson.t = getDict(nodeJson.t); } return nodeJson; } function getWxsEventDict(w, getDict) { const res = {}; w.forEach(([name, [wxsEvent, flag]]) => { res[getDict(name)] = [getDict(wxsEvent), flag]; }); return res; } function decodeCreateAction([, nodeId, nodeName, parentNodeId, refNodeId, nodeJson], getDict) { return [ 'create', nodeId, getDict(nodeName), parentNodeId, refNodeId, decodeNodeJson(getDict, nodeJson), ]; } function decodeInsertAction([, ...action], getDict) { return [ 'insert', action[0], action[1], action[2], action[3] ? decodeNodeJson(getDict, action[3]) : {}, ]; } function decodeRemoveAction([, ...action]) { return ['remove', ...action]; } function decodeAddEventAction([, ...action], getDict) { return ['addEvent', action[0], getDict(action[1]), action[2]]; } function decodeAddWxsEventAction([, ...action], getDict) { return [ 'addWxsEvent', action[0], getDict(action[1]), getDict(action[2]), action[3], ]; } function decodeRemoveEventAction([, ...action], getDict) { return ['removeEvent', action[0], getDict(action[1])]; } function decodeSetAttributeAction([, ...action], getDict) { return [ 'setAttr', action[0], getDict(action[1]), getDict(action[2]), ]; } function decodeRemoveAttributeAction([, ...action], getDict) { return ['removeAttr', action[0], getDict(action[1])]; } function decodeSetTextAction([, ...action], getDict) { return ['setText', action[0], getDict(action[1])]; } exports.createGetDict = createGetDict; exports.decodeActions = decodeActions; exports.decodeNodeJson = decodeNodeJson; }));