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275 lines
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275 lines
11 KiB
6 months ago
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.createVSlotCallExpression = exports.rewriteScopedSlotVForScope = exports.findCurrentPath = exports.findSlotName = exports.rewriteVSlot = exports.transformSlot = void 0;
const types_1 = require("@babel/types");
const shared_1 = require("@vue/shared");
const compiler_core_1 = require("@vue/compiler-core");
const uni_shared_1 = require("@dcloudio/uni-shared");
const uni_cli_shared_1 = require("@dcloudio/uni-cli-shared");
const runtimeHelpers_1 = require("../runtimeHelpers");
const ast_1 = require("../ast");
const codegen_1 = require("../codegen");
const transform_1 = require("../transform");
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const vFor_1 = require("./vFor");
const runtimeHelpers_2 = require("../runtimeHelpers");
const transformSlot = (node, context) => {
if (!(0, uni_cli_shared_1.isUserComponent)(node, context)) {
const { tag, children } = node;
const slots = new Set();
const onComponentSlot = (0, compiler_core_1.findDir)(node, 'slot', true);
const implicitDefaultChildren = [];
const isMiniProgramComponent = context.isMiniProgramComponent(tag);
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const slotElement = children[i];
let slotDir;
if (!(0, compiler_core_1.isTemplateNode)(slotElement) ||
!(slotDir = (0, compiler_core_1.findDir)(slotElement, 'slot', true))) {
// not a <template v-slot>, skip.
if (slotElement.type !== 3 /* NodeTypes.COMMENT */) {
if (onComponentSlot) {
// already has on-component slot - this is incorrect usage.
context.onError((0, compiler_core_1.createCompilerError)(37 /* ErrorCodes.X_V_SLOT_MIXED_SLOT_USAGE */, slotDir.loc));
if (!slotDir.arg) {
// v-slot => v-slot:default
slotDir.arg = (0, compiler_core_1.createSimpleExpression)('default', true);
const slotName = transformTemplateSlotElement(slotDir, slotElement, node, context);
// 小程序组件默认插槽,直接移除<template #default>节点
if (isMiniProgramComponent) {
if (slotName === 'default' && slotElement.children.length === 1) {
children.splice(i, 1, slotElement.children[0]);
if (slotName) {
if (isMiniProgramComponent) {
if (implicitDefaultChildren.length) {
if (onComponentSlot) {
// <unicloud-db v-slot:default="{data, loading, error, options}"/>
// => <unicloud-db collection=""><template v-slot:default="{data, loading, error, options}"/></unicloud-db>
const templateNode = createTemplateNode(onComponentSlot, implicitDefaultChildren);
transformTemplateSlotElement(onComponentSlot, templateNode, node, context);
node.children = [templateNode];
// 不支持 $slots, 则自动补充 props
if (slots.size && !context.miniProgram.slot.$slots) {
const slotsArr = [...slots];
const hasDynamic = slotsArr.find((name) => !(0, shared_1.isString)(name));
let value;
if (hasDynamic) {
const children = [];
const len = slotsArr.length - 1;
slotsArr.forEach((name, index) => {
if ((0, shared_1.isString)(name)) {
children.push(`'${(0, uni_shared_1.dynamicSlotName)(name)}'`);
else {
if (index < len) {
value = (0, compiler_core_1.createCompoundExpression)([
context.helperString(runtimeHelpers_2.DYNAMIC_SLOT) + '([',
else {
value = `[${slotsArr
.map((name) => `'${(0, uni_shared_1.dynamicSlotName)(name)}'`)
node.props.unshift((0, uni_cli_shared_1.createBindDirectiveNode)(utils_1.ATTR_VUE_SLOTS, value));
exports.transformSlot = transformSlot;
function rewriteVSlot(dir, context) {
dir.arg = (0, utils_1.rewriteExpression)((0, compiler_core_1.createCompoundExpression)([
context.helperString(runtimeHelpers_2.DYNAMIC_SLOT) + '(',
]), context);
exports.rewriteVSlot = rewriteVSlot;
function transformTemplateSlotElement(slotDir, slotTemplate, slotComponent, context) {
const slotName = findSlotName(slotDir);
if (!slotName) {
const { exp } = slotDir;
// non scoped slots
if (!exp) {
return slotName;
// empty
if (exp.type === 4 /* NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION */ && !exp.content.trim()) {
return slotName;
// 使用vFor来简单处理scoped slot作用域问题
slotTemplate.children = [
createVForTemplate(slotTemplate, { name: slotName, value: (0, codegen_1.genExpr)(exp), slotComponent }, context),
if (context.miniProgram.slot.dynamicSlotNames) {
// 已经在 vFor 中补充 slot,故需要移除 slotTemplate 中的
const index = slotTemplate.props.indexOf(slotDir);
if (index > -1) {
slotTemplate.props.splice(index, 1);
// v-slot="slotProps" => v-slot 避免 transformIdentifier 生成 slotProps 的变量声明
slotDir.exp = undefined;
return slotName;
function createTemplateNode(slotDir, children) {
return {
type: 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */,
tag: 'template',
tagType: 3 /* ElementTypes.TEMPLATE */,
loc: compiler_core_1.locStub,
isSelfClosing: false,
codegenNode: undefined,
ns: 0,
props: [slotDir],
function findSlotName(slotDir) {
if (!slotDir.arg) {
return uni_shared_1.SLOT_DEFAULT_NAME;
if ((0, compiler_core_1.isStaticExp)(slotDir.arg)) {
return slotDir.arg.content;
return slotDir.arg;
exports.findSlotName = findSlotName;
function findCurrentVForValueAlias(context) {
let scope = context.currentScope;
while (scope) {
if ((0, transform_1.isVForScope)(scope)) {
return scope.valueAlias;
scope = scope.parent;
return '';
function createVForTemplate(slotElement, { name, value, slotComponent, }, context) {
const slotName = 's' + context.scopes.vFor;
const keyProp = (0, uni_cli_shared_1.createBindDirectiveNode)('key', 'i' + context.scopes.vFor);
const source = (0, shared_1.isString)(name) ? `'${name}'` : (0, codegen_1.genExpr)(name);
const vForProp = {
type: 7 /* NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE */,
name: 'for',
loc: compiler_core_1.locStub,
modifiers: [],
arg: undefined,
exp: (0, compiler_core_1.createSimpleExpression)(`(${value}, ${slotName}) in ${utils_1.SCOPED_SLOT_IDENTIFIER}(${source}, ${findCurrentVForValueAlias(context) || `''`})`),
const props = [vForProp, keyProp];
if (context.miniProgram.slot.dynamicSlotNames) {
props.push((0, uni_cli_shared_1.createBindDirectiveNode)('slot', slotName));
return {
loc: slotElement.loc,
ns: 0,
tag: 'template',
type: 1 /* NodeTypes.ELEMENT */,
tagType: 3 /* ElementTypes.TEMPLATE */,
isSelfClosing: false,
codegenNode: undefined,
children: slotElement.children,
const slotNameRE = /\('(.*)',/;
* ('default','') => default
* @param source
* @returns
function findCurrentSlotName(source) {
return (0, types_1.stringLiteral)((0, uni_shared_1.dynamicSlotName)(source.children[1].match(slotNameRE)[1]));
function createPathBinaryExpr(scope, computed = true) {
return (0, types_1.binaryExpression)('+', (0, types_1.binaryExpression)('+', (0, types_1.stringLiteral)(parseVForPath(scope.sourceAlias) + (computed ? '[' : '.')), (0, types_1.identifier)(scope.indexAlias)), (0, types_1.stringLiteral)(computed ? '].' : '.'));
function findCurrentPath(id, scope) {
let parent = scope.parent;
let binaryExpr = null;
while (parent) {
if ((0, transform_1.isVForScope)(parent)) {
// const computed = !isScopedSlotVFor(parent)
if (!binaryExpr) {
binaryExpr = createPathBinaryExpr(parent);
else {
binaryExpr = (0, types_1.binaryExpression)('+', createPathBinaryExpr(parent), binaryExpr);
parent = parent.parent;
return ((binaryExpr && (0, types_1.binaryExpression)('+', binaryExpr, (0, types_1.stringLiteral)(id))) ||
(0, types_1.stringLiteral)(id));
exports.findCurrentPath = findCurrentPath;
function findCurrentVueIdExpr(node, context) {
if (!node) {
return (0, types_1.stringLiteral)('');
const vueIdProp = (0, compiler_core_1.findProp)(node, utils_1.ATTR_VUE_ID);
if (vueIdProp.type === 6 /* NodeTypes.ATTRIBUTE */) {
return (0, types_1.stringLiteral)(vueIdProp.value.content);
return (0, ast_1.parseExpr)((0, codegen_1.genExpr)(vueIdProp.exp), context) || (0, types_1.stringLiteral)('');
* 目前无用
* @param vForScope
* @param parentScope
* @param context
function rewriteScopedSlotVForScope(vForScope, parentScope, context) {
// 生成一个新的sourceAlias,用于scopedSlots
const { source, sourceExpr } = vForScope;
vForScope.sourceAlias = (0, utils_1.rewriteExpressionWithoutProperty)(source, context, sourceExpr, parentScope).content;
exports.rewriteScopedSlotVForScope = rewriteScopedSlotVForScope;
function parseVForPath(id) {
return id.includes('.') ? id.split('.')[1] : id;
function createVSlotCallExpression(slotComponent, vForScope, context) {
const { source, sourceAlias } = vForScope;
const id = parseVForPath(sourceAlias);
return (0, types_1.callExpression)((0, types_1.identifier)(context.helperString(runtimeHelpers_1.WITH_SCOPED_SLOT)), [
(0, vFor_1.createVForArrowFunctionExpression)(vForScope),
(0, types_1.objectExpression)([
// 插槽名称,数据更新 path,vueId
(0, types_1.objectProperty)((0, types_1.identifier)('name'), findCurrentSlotName(source)),
// 暂不生成 path
(0, types_1.objectProperty)((0, types_1.identifier)('path'), findCurrentPath(id, vForScope)),
(0, types_1.objectProperty)((0, types_1.identifier)('vueId'), findCurrentVueIdExpr(slotComponent, context)),
exports.createVSlotCallExpression = createVSlotCallExpression;