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126 lines
4.2 KiB
126 lines
4.2 KiB
6 months ago
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.rewriteRef = void 0;
const types_1 = require("@babel/types");
const compiler_core_1 = require("@vue/compiler-core");
const uni_cli_shared_1 = require("@dcloudio/uni-cli-shared");
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const runtimeHelpers_1 = require("../runtimeHelpers");
const codegen_1 = require("../codegen");
const ast_1 = require("../ast");
function rewriteRef(node, context) {
const vueIdProp = (0, compiler_core_1.findProp)(node, utils_1.ATTR_VUE_ID);
if (!vueIdProp) {
const refProp = (0, compiler_core_1.findProp)(node, 'u-' + uni_cli_shared_1.VUE_REF) || (0, compiler_core_1.findProp)(node, 'u-' + uni_cli_shared_1.VUE_REF_IN_FOR);
if (!refProp) {
if ((0, compiler_core_1.findProp)(node, 'ref')) {
// 支付宝小程序
const code = parseAlipayRefCode(refProp, context);
if (code && context.inline && !(0, uni_cli_shared_1.isDirectiveNode)(refProp)) {
refProp.value.content = code;
const refPropIndex = node.props.findIndex((prop) => prop === refProp);
node.props.splice(refPropIndex, 1, (0, uni_cli_shared_1.createBindDirectiveNode)(, code));
else {
rewriteRefProp(refProp, vueIdProp, context);
exports.rewriteRef = rewriteRef;
function parseRef(prop, context) {
let expr;
let refKey = '';
const isDir = (0, uni_cli_shared_1.isDirectiveNode)(prop);
if (isDir) {
if (prop.exp) {
expr = (0, ast_1.parseExpr)(prop.exp, context, prop.exp);
else {
const { value } = prop;
if (value && value.content) {
if (context.inline && context.bindingMetadata[value.content]) {
expr = (0, types_1.identifier)(value.content);
refKey = value.content;
else {
expr = (0, types_1.stringLiteral)(value.content);
return { expr, refKey };
function parseRefCode(prop, context) {
const { expr, refKey } = parseRef(prop, context);
if (!expr) {
return { code: '', refKey };
return { code: (0, codegen_1.genBabelExpr)(expr), refKey };
function rewriteRefProp(prop, vueIdProp, context) {
let id = '';
if ((0, uni_cli_shared_1.isDirectiveNode)(vueIdProp)) {
const vueIdExpr = (0, ast_1.parseExpr)(vueIdProp.exp, context, vueIdProp.exp);
if (vueIdExpr) {
id = (0, codegen_1.genBabelExpr)(vueIdExpr);
else {
id = `'${vueIdProp.value.content}'`;
if (!id) {
const { code, refKey } = parseRefCode(prop, context);
const opts = Object.create(null);
if (refKey) {
opts.k = refKey;
if (context.inVFor) {
opts.f = 1;
(0, utils_1.parseExprWithRewrite)(context.helperString(runtimeHelpers_1.SET_REF) +
'(' +
code +
', ' +
id +
(Object.keys(opts).length ? ', ' + JSON.stringify(opts) : '') +
')', prop.loc, context);
function parseAlipayRefCode(prop, context) {
let expr;
const isDir = (0, uni_cli_shared_1.isDirectiveNode)(prop);
if (isDir) {
if (prop.exp) {
expr = (0, ast_1.parseExpr)(prop.exp, context, prop.exp);
else {
if (prop.value?.content) {
expr = context.inline
? processInlineRef(prop, context)
: (0, types_1.stringLiteral)(prop.value.content);
if (!expr) {
return (0, codegen_1.genBabelExpr)(expr);
function processInlineRef(prop, context) {
const properties = [];
const { refKey } = parseRef(prop, context);
properties.push((0, types_1.objectProperty)((0, types_1.identifier)('r'), (0, types_1.identifier)(prop.value.content)));
if (refKey) {
properties.push((0, types_1.objectProperty)((0, types_1.identifier)('k'), (0, types_1.stringLiteral)(refKey)));
if (context.inVFor) {
properties.push((0, types_1.objectProperty)((0, types_1.identifier)('f'), (0, types_1.numericLiteral)(1)));
return (0, types_1.arrowFunctionExpression)([], (0, types_1.objectExpression)(properties));